New member

Hi, I'm Liz. I'm 64vyears old.
I was pretty successful with Noom..lost 10lbs...but have been on a plateauvfor a while, and it's expensive.
I learned a lot and want to continue to lose aboutc5 or 6 more pounds. I like thexdiscipline of keeping track.


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,627 Member
    Welcome Liz,

    The discipline comes from within. I bet you've got it in you, so you'll succeed.
  • grmabea63
    grmabea63 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello Liz, I just left Noom. I too learned a lot. I lost 30 pounds and then with camping and the holidays I put 10 of them back. I started here to track and pay a little bit more attention to the make up of my food not just the calories. Starting my journey all over again.
  • NJ1959
    NJ1959 Posts: 4 Member
    I also just left Noom. The new Circles and drastic reduction in coaching prompted me to move on to something cheaper. I love the food logging and Macro/nutrition info in MFP so far. I’m sending a friend request. Nancy