Letter to myself for when I want to give up... (feel free to add yours)

So here we are, about 6 weeks into the latest quest for a healthy weight and lifestyle. At weigh-in this morning, you realized that you weigh what you were last year at this time and had a little pity party about "wasting a year". Well, you didn't make great choices, that's for sure. But one good choice was made this year - getting back to taking care of YOU. Honestly, gaining 12 lbs in a year is a bummer... but losing it in 5.5 weeks is awesome!

Here's the thing about the journey this time. You're older and there may be factors beyond your control (hormones, for example) and the weight isn't exactly falling off. But, then there's the things you are taking control of - your mental health, reducing stress, regular exercise, mindful eating. It's all good. You've learned a lot over the years, what works, what kills the motivation, what sparks it. Tap into that knowledge! Be your own advocate!

It's easy to fall off. A night out, a party, a big family meal. But these are blips on the radar. An enjoyable, savored blip that can be enjoyed and considered the exception to the norm - and you are NOT DEPRIVED. This is a marathon and not a sprint. This is a lifestyle change, not boot camp. So, when you have had a meal, a day, a weekend or more (gasp!) of not treating your healthy self as you should, remember, this is all for YOU. There may a "goal" in mind, but there really isn't an end game. It's an ongoing dance on a balance beam.

Keep adding those beautiful outfits in your Pinterest board, keep looking up new recipes and learning to love different foods and most importantly, keep in mind what all of this is for: self-love and confidence, health and well-being, and sticking around for a long time for your amazing family.

<3 Me 2/8/2023