Create Food option

Why can't I create food, when it's not in data base, I have premium plan

Best Answer

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,710 MFP Staff
    Answer ✓
    Adding New Foods to your Individual Database - Website
    Click "Add a food to our database" below the search results.
    Type in the brand name of the product. (If there is no brand because to item is produce, you can type "Fresh" or "Generic")
    Type in the name of the item in the description field
    Click the green Continue button
    Follow the rest of the prompts to save item

    Adding New Foods to the Public Database - Website

    ​When you create a new food on the website, you can help us to grow our database by electing to share your food with other members. We'll add it to the MyFitnessPal database for everyone to use. If you do decide to share your food, please do your best to ensure that the information you provide is complete and accurate. We reserve the right to review, revise or remove any food entries that we believe violate our Terms and Conditions of Use, Community Guidelines, or the health and wellness objectives of this App.

    Please note that foods you elect to share publicly can not be deleted from your My Foods list at a later time, as other users may be relying on these items by then. Publicly shared food items "belong" to the last user to edit or update them. Finally, if you wish to share food with the public database, you must do so at the time of creation. It is not possible to share an existing personal food with the public database, later.

    Adding New Foods to your Individual Database - Mobile apps
    Select "Create a new food" below the search if it yields no results.". -or-
    Tap "More"-->"My Recipes & Foods"-->"Foods"-->"+"

    Enter the name and nutritional information for the new food. Click or tap "Save" or "✓" when you are finished. The new food will appear in the "My Foods" tab, and can also be found by searching the database (but only in your own account).

    For spacing purposes, those using MyFitnessPal in languages other than English may find the contents of the Recent, Frequent, and My Foods tabs combined in a single tab labeled "Recent" or "Food."

    Adding New Foods to the Public Database - Android and iOS

    As Premium member, ​you can scan a barcode using our latest Android or iOS apps. If the barcode is not associated with a food in our database, you will have the option to create a new food item linked to that barcode for other Premium users of MyFitnessPal.

    Please enter all available nutrition details completely and accurately. You've just made barcode scanning better for millions of MyFitnessPal users!

    Please note that foods you elect to share publicly can not be deleted from your My Foods list at a later time, as other users may be relying on these items by then. Publicly shared food items "belong" to the last user to edit or update them. Finally, if you wish to share a food with the public database, you must do so at the time of creation. It is not possible to share an existing personal food with the public database, later.