
Hello everyone, I'm Jeff Donald and I'm new here I'd really love to get some friends to get new tips on how to go with my fitness. Thank you😊


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,929 Member
    Hi Jeff,

    Welcome to the community!

    There's lots of good tools here to help you succeed. One key to success is to set good goals and stick to them. What are your goals?

    As for tips; I have written this before, and it's pretty valid. The best few tips I can think of for starting out are:
    • Plan to go slow. If you are trying to lose weight, remember you didn't gain it in a month or a year; take the slow route to help assure success. Then it will be easier to maintain when you reach goal.
    • Don't plan any strategies you aren't willing to continue indefinitely. Only do things that are sustainable in the long run.
    • Plan on having a reasonable calorie deficit, on average, each week. Best if you can manage a small deficit each day, but if you miss a day, don't fret. Just keep going forward. Stick to it.
    • Yeah, that's it's own point: STICK TO IT!
    • Set reasonable but challenging goals. Set long-term and short term goals. What are some specific goals you have set for yourself?
    • Check in often. Don't stress if the scale is up for the day. Look over the long term trend; weight loss is not linear. You'll have up and down days. Over time, if you maintain a deficit, you'll trend down.
    • Exercise is very healthy for fitness. It can contribute to a calorie deficit and aid in weight management. You still must manage your food intake to assure a calorie deficit. Logging your food and your activity in MFP will help you get an idea how to slowly adjust your target for success.