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Some kind of weekly defecit bank would be good

For those of us who track calories weekly..

If I under eat 400 calories on monday, and decide to go 400 over on tuesday the way I have been doing this has basically been "stealing" the calories from previous days by logging them on days where there has been a defecit. It would be good if there was a feature that accumulated all of the days where there was such a defecit and allowed more free spending of them, with a complete reset every Sunday.
6 votes

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  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,070 Member
    I don't know about a hard reset on a particular day, but a running 7-day total would be nice. For example, if your goal is 2,000 per day, over 7 days that adds up to 14,000. After you click "finish" for the day, the site would show you a total of the last 7 days, how you were "+250" for the week or "-175".
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 907 Member
    I do weekly calories myself - this would be a nice feature.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,154 Member
    In the phone/tablet app, the Nutrition page shows a 7-day total for either gross or net calories over/under goal, and a daily average of either either net or gross intake. In Nutrition, click week view, calories, then net or total. The numbers are below the chart.

    I think that's pretty close to what you want?

    I don't know of an equivalent in the web version. Closest thing is under Reports, where you can get a 7-day bar chart with numbers, for either gross or net calories by day. I don't think there are daily averages or weekly totals, though.

    There are quite a few handy things in the app that aren't on the web, and new things tend to be added to the app but not on the web.

    I'm not defending that, and I don't work for MFP: I'm just a regular user making an observation, probably a biased one. 😉