Ready for change

I'm back on track and ready to get serious about my goals. It's a struggle due to medicine I take but I am so over the excuses I give myself. Looking for like minded people to be accountable to and help motivate!!!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    edited February 2023
    Hello, and welcome! You can do this.

    I'm severely hypothyroid (medicated for it), had been overweight/obese for decades when I got here, was/am in menopause, and am - hmmm - of senior age (59-60 when losing weight, 67 now). Some people will say any of those will be weight loss doom, but I think they're wrong. (I say that from experience: I've been in a healthy weight range for 7 years now.)

    IMO, the way to think about challenges is to focus on how to get around, over or otherwise past them. Focusing purely on an obstacle (not the wily route around) is a waste of time and energy, I think.

    I don't doubt your word that your medication makes things more challenging. (I've taken meds with a rep for weight gain for long periods in the past.) The mechanisms can be increased appetite, lower energy, water retention, compromised sleep, among others. I'm quite confident that you can figure out ways to lose weight anyway, if you're patient and persistent.

    Most of us - even without relevant health conditions - find that we need to experiment, trip a few times on the way to learning our best route. Some of us find that the calorie estimates from MFP or other sources don't lead to the expected rate of loss, so we need to adjust after we have a few weeks of experience (long enough to get a good average, since scale-weight loss will be uneven over shorter time spans). If appetite is a challenge, some of us find that altering what we eat, or when we eat, can reduce the impact of that.

    Stick with it, don't be afraid to try something new if your first plan isn't perfect for you. You can succeed.

    I'm cheering for you!