Introduction :)

Hi there,

I am starting this fitness/weight loss journey because I feel (yucky for a lack of a better term). I have hit my all time weight high and really need to start taking care of myself before I have complications. My life has been chaotic (work and school and taking care of everyone else except for me) but now its affecting my energy levels and how well I am feeling.


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,101 Member
    Welcome to the community!

    There's no time like RIGHT NOW to get started. A year from now, you'll be at your first anniversary on the journey to a better you. Remember, too, that if you stumble along the way, do NOT give up. Keep sticking to it. And if you think you've somehow failed, you haven't. And remember what you wrote here - NOW is the time to get started. It will also be the time to get started if you slide a bit; no need to wait until "tomorrow" or "next week." Always now.

    The next step is setting some measurable, attainable, time-bound goals. What goals are you going to work towards?

    Remember too; go slow. You didn't get to your current status overnight. Take time and do it right. You can succeed; just keep sticking to it.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    Jricha13 wrote: »
    Hi there,

    I am starting this fitness/weight loss journey because I feel (yucky for a lack of a better term). I have hit my all time weight high and really need to start taking care of myself before I have complications. My life has been chaotic (work and school and taking care of everyone else except for me) but now its affecting my energy levels and how well I am feeling.

    Good views from Mr. mtaratoot there!

    To the bolded specifically: That's a common problem, seems especially common among women. If your mission in a deep way is to take care of others . . . well, taking care of you is the foundation for that, isn't it?

    I think about the "airplane rule": Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. Same thing applies to giving yourself enough self-care to stay high energy, stay healthy/strong/capable, be a good example (especially if there are young'uns in the picture, but no only then).

    It's not selfish to care for yourself, it's building a good foundation for everything you want to do, and being a good influence.

    Personally, I wish I'd been smart about healthy exercise and body weight many decades earlier. (I got active in my late 40s, finally got to a healthy weight at 59-60.) I'd have saved myself - and those around me - a bunch of unpleasantness if I'd been smarter, younger. (Cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis and other body issues aggravated by being overweight . . . .)

    I'm guessing you're younger than me. You're smarter. (You're here, right?) You can do this. It'll be worth it. Way worth it. I'll bet you can surprise yourself with what you can accomplish, and with how good the results will feel.

    I'm cheering for you!