Just beginning my weigh loss journey

Hello! Today is the first day of my new weight loss journey! I’m excited and nervous and also hoping I don’t fail at this program too. I’d love to get to know others


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,615 Member
    Welcome to the community!

    Don't be nervous. Set some good goals that are challenging and also attainable that you can measure. What are your initial goals?

    Once you get started, and don't wait until tomorrow to start, just keep sticking to it. That's how you get to success. If you stumble a bit, because we all do, just get back to sticking to it. Don't wait for the next week or even day - just get back to what you need to do. Don't try to "undo" it either; just stick to what you know will work.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    What he said!

    The only way to fail is to give up entirely, and that's a decision 100% under your control.

    If you try a particular approach and it doesn't stick, you didn't fail, it's just that that wasn't the right approach for you. Personalization, figuring out what method(s) work for us given our own individual preferences, strengths, challenges - that's pretty important.

    Way too many people start by doing extreme, unnatural things they don't enjoy, trying to "lose weight fast" so they can "go back to normal". That's the recipe for weight yo-yos.

    Being overweight or less than ideally fit isn't a sin that we need to expiate by suffering (punitively extreme unpleasant exercise, complicated eating rules that over-limit foods we like and add so-called superfoods we don't enjoy).

    Getting to a healthy weight and decent fitness and - more importantly - staying there . . . that's about finding the personally-manageable, reasonably-enjoyable (at least tolerable!), practical eating and activity habits that keep us at a healthy weight and active long term, almost on autopilot.

    It's achievable. Think about how to make your new habits easier, not about how to drop weight fast.