New user, mid-50’s with sedentary life style and poor diet… Curious about macro %

Ray_4331 Posts: 23 Member
edited February 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All,

I am new to MFP, but in less than a week I can that I love this app! As a computer geek, I love data and MFP keeps me honest and makes me think about my choices. I love seeing how I am doing compared to my goal (1730 calories / day) and look forward to logging everything!

I don’t know if I have chosen the right percentages for the macros, but I am sure that over time I will get a better feel for that. Given I want to loose another 25 lbs of fat, but also start to build back up muscle, I have started weight training (tracking and steadily increasing) and chosen 35% carbs, 25% fat and 40% protein (173 G protein, weighing almost 200lbs).

Honestly, as long as I am finally tracking/watching what I eat and continuing to work out like I do, I believe will get there (25 lbs to go)! But if there’s anything I should be aware of when setting goals on the macros, would love to hear more.

Thank you,



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,603 Member
    Welcome Ray!

    It sounds like you are taking a healthy approach. Don't worry so much about the macros right away. If you're doing weight training, focus on enough protein. Over time you may find that certain proportions of macros help you stay feeling full and others make you feel hungry. People are different, so just start to pay attention. I just go with the standard 50/20/30 carb/fat/protein.

    I am a recovering scientist, and I like data too. If you haven't found it yet, check out The Hacker's Diet, especially the section on Signal and Noise. There are some tools to help you see the trends through the noise by using a time-weighted moving average.
  • fitness_krista
    fitness_krista Posts: 20 Member
    I think you’ve come to the right place! Keep checking in the community for motivation and information/ideas. It keeps the focus!
  • echristensen010
    echristensen010 Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 2023
    Hi @raywbowers I agree that it sounds like you are on the right track. Data is always good to have. A small to moderate calorie deficit will be easier to maintain long term, and getting that right can take a bit of tinkering over time.

    Your protein intake seems about right, and that is a great place to focus if you are looking to dial in on one of your macros. Something to help hit that macro is adding in low calorie veggies that have protein. Spinach and napa cabbage are tow of my go-tos. Adding Nutritional yeast onto your food is also a great way to get in a bit more protein too.

    To help meet your goals more quickly, I highly recommend adding a daily goal of 8k-10k steps. This is a game changer! You can burn a few hundred calories like this every day and it is low effort so your hunger doesn't spike in the same way as it does after a workout.

    If you focus on your calories, protein, strength training, and steps you will be really on a roll! Let me know if you have any more questions.
    - E
  • Ray_4331
    Ray_4331 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for the encouragement and ideas!

    I’ve gone in and out of the gym over the years. For some reason, this time I finally have the motivation to really change how I eat and surprisingly, I am not missing all the late night sweets like I have in the past. I think MFP is really helping me get a real glimpse into what I eat and driving me to make healthier choices.

    I cannot say I had ever heard of nutritional yeast or the Hacker’s Diet, but they all sound like great things to check out.

    Thank you,
