Tired of yo-yo dieting

Hello everyone. I have been an on again off again member since 2018. I have had success and failure with the app. I am more determined then ever to keep the weight off for good. I need to lose 30 pounds.


  • Myjourneybeginshere
    Myjourneybeginshere Posts: 25 Member
    Good morning.
    I COMPLETELY get you.

    So I’m in exactly the same boat at you - only mine is a bit heavier, I probably have 45 pounds to lose,

    I think all the Yo-yo dieting I’ve done over the years now means I am struggle to lose and keep it off.

    Why? Because of the lack of consistency.

    So fancy like joining forces? We can start a thread on here? And help eachother.

    I know I need the daily motivation and just somewhere I can go before I open that bar of chocolate.

    We will do this :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,843 Member
    So, what's the plan?

    One of the advantages of having yo-yo-ed in the past is already having a list of strategies that don't work for us as individuals. What works best can be different from person to person. Finding our best personalized strategy is key. Other people can offer ideas for us to try, but there's no one universally perfect route, IMO.

    For myself, I was a fan of finding an approach that didn't require a lot of willpower or motivation to keep going, once I experimented and found the habits that worked most easily for me. Willpower and motivation aren't my strongest skills! Finding relatively easy new habits was helpful - things I could continue without white-knuckled discipline long term, ideally permanently. It took some experimenting and adjusting along the way. Now in year 7 of maintaining a healthy weight, after literally 3 previous decades of overweight/obesity, that's worked OK for me. Your route may differ.

    Wishing you success!