How do I maintain my weight?

So I'm am extremely confused. I am at a weight right now that I never even imagined I would get to. But now I am afraid I will get back to my original weight! How do I not let that happen? I worked so hard! I don't want or all of my work to be just so I can gain it back in two days. I looked online and saw my recommended daily calorie intake for maintence is over 2000 calories!! I am used to 900, 1000, but af most 1200! So I'm positive that if I eat that much I will either explode or become obese. I am 5 foot 8.5, weight 131 pounds and I burn about 600 to 700 calories 6 days a week. Please help!


  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    It's tough to wrap your mind around it, for sure, but those calories make sense to me as far as your height and weight go! I'm 5'6", 125, and have maintained that since January. I don't eat 2000 a day unless I've exercised...1600 is my TDEE, so I eat that plus my exercise calories. I admit that I dropped back down to 1200 during the summer because vacation, barbecues, get togethers, etc...made me go way over my calories 2-3 days a week. If I keep the other, "normal" days at 1200, I maintain my weight. Once I get back into a normal groove where I'm not on the summer socializing circuit, I'll go back to the 1600. I'm still logging most days, too...You'll do great...just don't panic:)
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    KEEP LOGGING! And about every two weeks add about 100 calories to your daily allowance. Watch the scales for results. Repeat until you level off.

    Sounds easier than it is unfortunately! Maintenance is tricky, but it can be done.

    Also, expect that you may gain 3-5 lbs back, and be okay with that! You will still look great!
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    This isn't exactly the answer to your question, but the poster talks about maintenance and how to stay on goal so I thought this might be an interesting read:
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    This isn't exactly the answer to your question, but the poster talks about maintenance and how to stay on goal so I thought this might be an interesting read:

    Yes this is good. That is actually what I was referring to.
  • Not all calories are equal. You need to make sure the calories you are getting are from good sources.. Veggies, lean protein and whole grains :)
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    If you are used to 900 or 1000 calories, and you burned that many calories during the week, you didn't lose weight in a healthy manner and you probably did some damage to your metabolism. You may expect a little weight gain when you increase your calories, while your metabolism recovers. But you shouldn't let it stop you, because it should level out and you need to start fueling your body in a healthy manner. Good luck.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    If you are used to 900 or 1000 calories, and you burned that many calories during the week, you didn't lose weight in a healthy manner and you probably did some damage to your metabolism. You may expect a little weight gain when you increase your calories, while your metabolism recovers. But you shouldn't let it stop you, because it should level out and you need to start fueling your body in a healthy manner. Good luck.
    True that, but it usually is only about 10% or so. IOW, a calculated sedentary TDEE will likely need about 10% subtracted. I am finding this to be roughly correct for me. I ate at 1200 for close to 6 months and now it seems like around 1800 + exercise is what I burn though calculators say around 2000. Small price to pay IMO. I should get the MR back up within a few months.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So I'm am extremely confused. I am at a weight right now that I never even imagined I would get to. But now I am afraid I will get back to my original weight! How do I not let that happen? I worked so hard! I don't want or all of my work to be just so I can gain it back in two days. I looked online and saw my recommended daily calorie intake for maintence is over 2000 calories!! I am used to 900, 1000, but af most 1200! So I'm positive that if I eat that much I will either explode or become obese. I am 5 foot 8.5, weight 131 pounds and I burn about 600 to 700 calories 6 days a week. Please help!

    you eat 900 calories and burn 700 off....?
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Going from weight loss to maintaining is a mind set. Start by continuing to log your foods and increase your daily calorie goal by a couple of hundred calories and monitor yourself for a month. From the results, slowly increase again, monitor for a month, etc. Keep going until you find that balance where you aren't gaining or losing (beyond a normal range). Then learn to eat within that limit.
    It can be done.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've been EASILY maintaining at 130 pounds for 2.5 years now at 1700 PLUS exercise calories - I don't exercise every day so I don't always have exercise calories to eat. Just experiment a little. When you find the level of calories where the scale doesn't move, that's your number. I find maintenance to be even easier than losing. I wouldn't just suddenly jump to maintenance calories over night, though. Gradually increase the calories so you get used to it. That's what worked for me. Good luck! :drinker:
  • So I'm am extremely confused. I am at a weight right now that I never even imagined I would get to. But now I am afraid I will get back to my original weight! How do I not let that happen? I worked so hard! I don't want or all of my work to be just so I can gain it back in two days. I looked online and saw my recommended daily calorie intake for maintence is over 2000 calories!! I am used to 900, 1000, but af most 1200! So I'm positive that if I eat that much I will either explode or become obese. I am 5 foot 8.5, weight 131 pounds and I burn about 600 to 700 calories 6 days a week. Please help!

    eat healthy and exercise.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    KEEP LOGGING! And about every two weeks add about 100 calories to your daily allowance. Watch the scales for results. Repeat until you level off.

    Sounds easier than it is unfortunately! Maintenance is tricky, but it can be done.

    Also, expect that you may gain 3-5 lbs back, and be okay with that! You will still look great!

    This is good advice!