59 years young newbie here

Hello everyone. Not sure if I did this right ( quite tech challenged 🤗) I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to add comment on last existing thread or start a new conversation so I erred on the side of caution and started a néw discussion.
My name is Laurie and I turned 59 in January. I was a chubby kid and thinned out in 7 th grade then had children and was heavy again until I lost 105 lbs when I was 29. I gained it all back around the time I turned 40. I began developing health issues at about 45-48 . I was diabetic and had high c-reactive cardiac proteins. I went whole food plant based no oil or salt and lost about 1/2 of the weight. I was no longer diabetic and stopped insulin. Was no longer high cardiac protein and stopped statins. I’m still free of them but i have Sjogrens, arthritis, severe disc disease a vascular necrosis in my hips and a few other issues. A number of surgeries to correct what could be corrected. Then the pandemic hit and I have Eosinophilic asthma and had the virus twice. In& out of hospital and on steroids several times all of 2021 due to the virus and my asthma . I gained 111 lbs. I now need to lose 161 lbs. I am always short of breath and my pain levels are through the roof. I do not much more than sit because the spinal deformity my legs go numb and my spine screams if I stand more than 5-20 minutes depending on the day. I’ve been very discouraged and eating all the wrong things.
Then this past Saturday all our kids and grandkids went to a local restaurant for my husband’s 60 th birthday and had a great time. As we were leaving we heard yelling from the bar and as my husband is a firefighter and 1st responder we went to see if we could help. A woman our age and chubby but only 1/2 my size was choking. He tried to get it out but she passed out and she was too big for him to hold her up and on the floor he couldn’t find her sternum because of the size of her stomach. He worked on her to no avail doing cpr for 10 minutes until paramedics arrived. Her heart restarted but she later died. Besides being devastated our efforts failed it was an eye opener. For days since it’s all i can think about. Yesterday I renewed my subscription here and redid all my goals and have put past failures behind me and started a new chapter of my life.
I could use any words of wisdom anyone has to offer. I know my weight (311 at 5’3”) is a threat to my existence for the future and compounds my health issues in the present. Help! And thank you for reading this very long message if you got this far lol.


  • StaciInGa
    StaciInGa Posts: 65 Member
    That is a lot to deal with. Setting up your MFP profile and starting to log your food is a good first step.

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