
estelamdo Posts: 11
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hello you all. I'm Stella, I'm 18 years old. I've had MFP for almost three years now, but I wouldn't log in for more than a couple of days.

I used to have an eating disorder 4 or 5 years ago, and since "recovery" I'd lost all will to lose weight because I became scared of food. What I didn't know, is that because I was starving myself I didn't lose any weight --- by then I'd begun self-harming and fell apart.

Back in March I decided this was it, this is the end. I was going to lose weight whether I liked it or not, so I dragged myself to the gym in June and for a month it was almost... boring. Soon enough I fell in love with Spinning class and Zumba. I began losing easier (and faster, because now I enjoyed going to the gym! It's my second home), but didn't notice anything until last week when I had my medical check up at the gym, finding I'd lost 11 lbs and 2.5% body fat.

As of yesterday, I've lost 14 lbs and I feel like I can do anything. I eat what I want (if I want to), within my calories for the day. I'm not scared of food, or scales, of people's comments. I can look at myself in the mirror.

I just feel so happy I felt it was time to join the boards. I don't have any friends on here, so feel free to add me!! :heart:


  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    hey girl. i'm sara. 22
    i also have had MFP for about a year now, but only logged in once a month, if that.
    so, today i decided to start afresh, with a whole new account and totally fresh motivation.
    i have vowed to myself that i'm going to log in and record my food and exercise every day until i lose the 15 pounds i want to lose.
    my problem is, i am HIGHLY unmotivated and very easily distracted/forgetful.
    i feel like if there was someone on here who i could give a short daily report to, and vice versa, some who could hold me accountable, i would be a lot more motivated not to forget/blow it off.
    it's easy to lie to yourself, say "there's always tomorrow" but a whole different realm of commitment when you have to tell the truth to a stranger....
    if you're interested in being my "buddy" here, just message me! (i don't need a whole support group/team of strangers, just one virtual person who i will have to say "YES! today was good. i did my exercises and consumed X calories" or "NO...... oops too much wine, not enough commitment")
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