Okay… round 3

So.. back at this again after being gone for quite some time and really hoping to make this time stick! Definitely way better when you have likeminded people on your team so please add me if you feel like you could use another person on your team too. Thanks everyone! Wishing you all success!!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,688 Member
    Welcome back!

    So, what did you learn on the previous rounds about what doesn't work for you, in terms of keeping at a healthy weight longer term? That can give useful insights.

    My theory is that it can be good find a way to lose weight relatively easily via new routine habits - vs. trying to drop it like it's hot via some extreme restrictive diet and punitive exercise schedule, so we can "go back to normal" ASAP. (The latter's a recipe for yo-yo weight, generally the least healthy option.)

    Find some new routines that lead to gradual weight loss: Eating, daily life activity (non-exercise stuff), and some enjoyable, convenient intentional exercise in the mix. Keep it practical. Example: If you like to go to happy hour on Fridays with your besties and live a little, or have a big family dinner on Sunday, save up a few calories during the week to spend on that indulgence, maybe plus a little extra activity on the weekend. Losing/maintaining weight is just an exercise in analysis, experimentation, problem-solving. The right methods will be very personalized.

    Find the easy-ish habits, get to goal weight slowly, then just keep doing the same with a few extra calories in the picture to maintain. Use the scale or clothes-fit to put a fence on your healthy weight range. Hit the top of that range for more than a day or two, cut portions or snacks a little until it creeps back down to the lower end of the range. That's pretty much what I've been doing for 7-ish years now, after about 30 years of overweight/obesity before the loss.

    Not magic, takes consistency (on average), but the time is going to pass anyway, right? I'm cheering for you to succeed . . . permanently, this time. :)