Please I need answers

I am trying to find out for a friend of mine how do I get rid of her pie symbol which will show how many carbs and fat or sugar she has within that day. She doesn't remember how it got there and I have tried to get rid of it and nothing I do takes it off. Some suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. :)


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,195 Member
    This is not enough information to give help. In most places - maybe all - where a pie chart appears, it's the default and you can't get rid of it. (Why does she want to get rid of it?)

    Is your friend using web browser MFP? If no, presumably she's using the app on a phone or tablet. Is it Apple or Android?

    In addition to knowing which MFP version she's using, which page is this on? Can you show a screen shot?
  • straw6erries
    straw6erries Posts: 23 Member
    Hi AnnPT77
    The pie shape thing is on where you enter your food for the day close to the bottom of the page before you enter your water intake. I am sending you a screen shot. Not sure what an MFP is?
    I am just waiting to hear back from my friend to find out if she is using a phone or tablet but, here is a screen shot
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,195 Member
    Unfortunately, I know of no way to remove that . . . which is not the same as saying there is no such way. But I think it's just a standard part of the page. It seems like it doesn't show up until some food has been logged for the day, then it's just there. Apologies!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,272 Member
    edited March 2023

    Go to SETTINGS and then to DIARY SETTINGS

    You can track up to five things. Three of them, by default, are protein, carbohydrate, and fat. If you take one of those off, the chart goes away. For example, you might decide to track saturated fat instead of fat. The pie chart will go away.

    But then you are no longer tracking your fat intake. Up to you. All it provides is a graphical representation of what you've eaten today if you are tracking at least the three macronutrients protein, fat, and carbohydrate.

    "MFP" is a shorter way to write "My Fitness Pal."
  • straw6erries
    straw6erries Posts: 23 Member
    I will try that out ty mtaratoot

    I will let you know if it works for her. Thank you.