One step back another step forward

I’ve used my fitness pal back in 2019 when COVID was happening to lose 95lbs. I went from being a 250lb 5”9 girl to my smallest weight of 155lbs. Through my journey I lost my period. I was lost in a cycle where I was scared; and I wasn’t scared of ghost, or dark rooms— although those are scary to, but the thing I was really scared of was food. I knew what it could do to a person because I knew what it had done to me. I was practically starving myself, tracking any and every item that entered my body. And so I knew I had to take a long mental break from my fitness pal, and this is coming from someone who thought they’d be using this app for the rest of their life. With all that being said I am not dissing on the app but instead letting anyone out their know it is okay to eat something without thinking about what ingredients were used to make it or how many calories it has because you need to learn to love and respect yourself and the food that you are eating.


  • Ari_Uka
    Ari_Uka Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for writing this 😊 🤜🏽🤛🏽