Returning to Weight Loss!

Hi all, been a member of MFP for a while but finally decided to get back on the horse!

I'm a 5'2", 30-something year old sufferer of PCOS and like a lot of people, COVID threw my life balance totally off. I had previously been on goal to lose weight and was around 138lbs but unfortunately the change to WFH, moving home and doctors had things all askew. My new doctors were convinced I didn't need my usual medication anymore and so, without it my weight started climbing up, even with calorie counting!

It's been two years now and when I stepped on the scales in January I almost fainted to see I had put on nearly 30lbs again! So, after arguing to get back on the right medication and with a new goal in mind, I've climbed back on the horse and plan to get back to where I was! I'm already down from 168lbs to 155lbs but I know those last 20-25lbs are going to be a struggle.

I know it might not seem like a huge goal, but it took me about 3-4 years last time, so fingers crossed I get there faster this time!


  • silviafreyre
    silviafreyre Posts: 2 Member
    I’ll join the struggle with you sister! I’m 5’2- currently 148 and goal is 120. Yes the last 20 will be a struggle. 😬
  • silviafreyre
    silviafreyre Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to get there by May 28
  • kataylor152
    kataylor152 Posts: 2 Member
    I started back a month ago with lifting three days a week , so hard to get back into it but so motivated . I love working out now . 51 and have 2 sons 19 and 17 . I think I am having a moment where what do I do now?