Just turned 50! New & need motivation!

Hello! I just turned 50! I have been hit with major health issues & need to lose a lot of weight & get healthy...I am looking to look at what works for some & suggestions. Friends please!

I'm a Mom of two (I'm on the right in pic)...My son is deployed with the Army & my daughter is in college. They're my world!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,742 Member
    Hello, and welcome!

    I know I commented on your other thread, but I'm now finally getting into my 2nd cup of coffee (yes, this late!) and trying to greet some new folks.

    That's a great looking family, you must be very proud, and rightfully so.

    For getting started on MFP, I think this thread is one of the best on-ramps to using MFP successfully:


    Don't let the joke-y clickbait title put you off, it's solid, sensible information.

    I joined here myself at age 59, but that was back in 2015. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol/triglycerides, and regular discomfort/pain from arthritis and other joint issues, among other things, plus am severely hypothyroid (properly medicated). (Given my bad life habits at that point, I was lucky it was not worse. I know others face much more difficult things.)

    Using MFP, I was able to lose nearly 1/3 of my body weight in just under a year, class 1 obese to a healthy weight, and I've been here since, maintaining weight in a healthy range after about 30 previous years of overweight/obesity. Part way through loss, my blood pressure and blood lipids dropped into the normal range, and they've stayed there since. I still have some arthritis and joint issues, but discomfort is much less than when I was heavier, and actual pain (once frequent) now rare.

    It's been a huge quality of life improvement, for me. I hope it will be for you, too.

    Lots of different approaches can work - finding the one that's right for you, personalized, is IMO important. I don't like lots of rules/restrictions - I'm sort of an aging hippie hedonist ;) - so I just logged my food, reviewed my diary, and gradually tweaked my routine eating habits in a more positive direction. That was perfect for me. There are lots of other options, though.

    If you have specific questions or experience challenges/roadblocks, I'd encourage you to read and post in the Community. I feel like we all have lots in common, across ages and life circumstances.

    Wishing you much success!
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    Welcome and good luck. Get started with what interests you and excites you and see where you end up.
    Everyone’s different so don’t feel that what works for them must work for you.
    Keep a realistic and sustainable goal in mind and don’t be dispirited when the scales go up ( because at some point of the weight loss rollercoaster they will) or when you get stalled at the same weight for a whole week. Just have faith and reach out if you need guidance or reassurance. There’s a tonne of people who’ll be happy to help.