Olympic weightlifting

Anybody here into it? I started last summer and I love it 😃
Just up for chats if anyone interested


  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Yep. Competitive master’s Oly lifter here 😀 I’m not very good but I’m tenacious and stubborn. And one day I might manage to do a good snatch and good clean at the same time.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,290 Member
    My shoulder doesn't allow me to rotate far enough back to properly position the weight overhead safely, else I would try them.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,681 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    My shoulder doesn't allow me to rotate far enough back to properly position the weight overhead safely, else I would try them.

    Is that a permanent shoulder injury? Oly lifting isn’t for everyone I know, but I actually started off with a partially torn rotator cuff and Oly lifting massively helps me with stability and reducing the pain. But I am hypermobile so I have the flexibility required.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,290 Member
    A few years back I was young and stupid and impatient, a great combination in the weight room, lol. I was determined to up my bench press FAST, added 50# in just a couple months, thought I was doing fabulous. But while my muscles may have been up for the increase, my ligaments weren't, and the day I set my lifetime bench PR I felt the ominous pop in both shoulders, barely racked the weight, and made an appointment with the doctor. I forget the diagnosis, but the pain kept me out of the weight room for six months, barely avoided surgery, and left a permanent range of motion limitation where I can rotate my arms directly above, but not an inch further back like would be needed for overhead squats (and by extension oly lifts). I learned humility the hard way that day, have added rotator cuff exercises which were totally absent before, and since then I've never attempted a bench press anywhere near that amount, going for increasing reps rather than weight.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,889 Member
    Damn, cautionary tale there. Sorry to hear that.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,681 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    A few years back I was young and stupid and impatient, a great combination in the weight room, lol. I was determined to up my bench press FAST, added 50# in just a couple months, thought I was doing fabulous. But while my muscles may have been up for the increase, my ligaments weren't, and the day I set my lifetime bench PR I felt the ominous pop in both shoulders, barely racked the weight, and made an appointment with the doctor. I forget the diagnosis, but the pain kept me out of the weight room for six months, barely avoided surgery, and left a permanent range of motion limitation where I can rotate my arms directly above, but not an inch further back like would be needed for overhead squats (and by extension oly lifts). I learned humility the hard way that day, have added rotator cuff exercises which were totally absent before, and since then I've never attempted a bench press anywhere near that amount, going for increasing reps rather than weight.

    Ouch - crikey that does sound bad. Poor you!
  • recover808
    recover808 Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2023
    I go through phases with the snatch/ cnj lol. Getting older and there isnt a need to do the full lifts anymore so all i do now are powers and I really only do them because they are fun hahaha
  • rachelpetra89
    rachelpetra89 Posts: 23 Member
    edited March 2023
    nossmf wrote: »
    My shoulder doesn't allow me to rotate far enough back to properly position the weight overhead safely, else I would try them.

    My trainer has me do wall sliders and prone snow angels to help with this. It’s working slowly. Well, enough for me anyway and I have a previous shoulder injury. Now obviously listen to a medical professional instead of me!

    Edit: Also you could try cleans instead of snatches. Without following with a jerk of course. Still fun and challenging but no over the head movement. Just thought I’d put that out thre in case you’re interested.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,681 Member
    recover808 wrote: »
    I go through phases with the snatch/ cnj lol. Getting older and there isnt a need to do the full lifts anymore so all i do now are powers and I really only do them because they are fun hahaha
    How old is too old, do you reckon? ( genuinely interested in your thoughts)

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,290 Member
    I know a guy at my gym in his 40's who still does them. I see another guy I don't know with gray hair on the Oly platform from time to time, but my grandmother was 100% gray by age 25, so that's not a reliable indicator.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,681 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    I know a guy at my gym in his 40's who still does them. I see another guy I don't know with gray hair on the Oly platform from time to time, but my grandmother was 100% gray by age 25, so that's not a reliable indicator.

    I didn’t start until I was about 44, and I’m 49 now. I really hope that’s not classed as old 😮🤣
  • rachelpetra89
    rachelpetra89 Posts: 23 Member
    [/quote] I didn’t start until I was about 44, and I’m 49 now. I really hope that’s not classed as old 😮🤣[/quote]

    Not at all, I believe there's one or two in my gym rocking it in their 60s. I was 33 when I started.

  • recover808
    recover808 Posts: 13 Member
    recover808 wrote: »
    I go through phases with the snatch/ cnj lol. Getting older and there isnt a need to do the full lifts anymore so all i do now are powers and I really only do them because they are fun hahaha
    How old is too old, do you reckon? ( genuinely interested in your thoughts)

    Im 46 and thats too old for me specially. If you can do the lifts great I personally just dont have a need to do the full snatch and cnj anymore so I stick to the power version of the lifts and that works in what im doing at the moment.