Not losing weight. At all. :(



  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Guessing how much you burn exercising is as bad as guessing how much you are eating if you are eating back. I would suggest getting a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM). This will give you what YOU have burned not some generic average.

    Vary your foods and vary your exercise routine - more fun and might just kick start your loss again.
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    Be completely accurate with your servings. What ever you eat, you need to log it down. Weigh your food with a scale before cooking them (chicken, steak, fish etc..) and don't forget to measure everything you consume as well. Use a heart rate monitor to track your activity more accurately. I recommend one with a chest strap for the most accuracy. Also, remember to refresh your weight loss goal every time you lose weight, so MFP can refresh its calorie allowance for you. If this doesn't help you lose weight, then you have a thyroid problem.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Honestly looking at what you eat it doesn't look to me like your fueling your body enough. Your body is like a car, without the fuel it will not run. Our bodies have to have fuel to work and run properly. Re-evaluate your eating, you need carbs and protein. Good Luck
  • staplebug
    Are you trying to lose your LAST 5 pounds? Because if so, that is a very different story. Read Jillian Michaels' "Making the Cut." It's all about losing the last few pounds (which can seem impossible to finally get off).
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I have not been losing either. Friday I saw a friend who has lost lots of weight, so has her dad and sister. I told her I'm on MFP also and have not been losing. She said she didn't either until she quit cheating. I looked at her kind of strange. She said, you know liking counting the calories in catsup, etc. I thought about this. I thought I was being honest also, but I have apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp molasses every morning. The honey and molasses = 122 calories I had not been logging. I also flavored my water with a little bit of vitamin water (which now I hear is not good for you and can keep you from losing weight, so I have to stop using it, and I really like it), that's another 120 calories I had not counted. Not saying you do the same, but if so, I have realized I have to add ALL those in to be acurate. Plus I used my calories I earned from exercise to maybe have an extra snack. I'm not going to do that any mor either. Good luck to both of us. :flowerforyou:
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    It's not medical. I am diabetic, so I get full blood work ups often.
    I do weigh and measure EVERYTHING.
    The bread I eat is the Healthy Life with Omega-3, so not much in the way of calories or carbs.
    I make my own dressing with greek yogurt, so not very calorie dense. Or I use vinagrettes.

    I'm not losing inches anymore either. My clothes have fit the same since fall. I have been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds for almost a year (after looking at my journal last night, this makes it even more frustrating)

    I have tried NOT eating the extra calories. I have tried lowering my calories.
    Spark people tells me I am burning more than the machine says. MFP tells me I'm burning more than the machine says.

    I have almost 80 lbs to lose, so I'm no where near close to my goal. I should have REACHED my goal already. I lost more weight when I did 30 minutes on the treadmill per day and no strength training. I stopped losing weight when I started the harder machines and eating what MFP told me to. It seems like when I bumped my efforts up, the results stopped.

    I get a lot of protein. I eat a lot of meat, nuts and greek yogurt.

    I do intervals on all the cardio machines
    My strength training uses all the weight machines at the Y.

    I added weights, I lost inches. I added more and harder cardio, and I stopped losing weight. Now I'm not losing either. I'm beyond frustrated.

    I get more protein than MFP says I should have. I get about half the carbs it says I should have. I get just under the amount of sodium I'm allowed.

    I drink almost nothing but water and I stopped ALL sugar sweetened drinks 3 years ago.

    I take a multi-vitamin and a fish oil daily.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm not getting enough calories in a day. And I don't like it.

    I haven't logged my calories since last Weds and I haven't been to the gym since Thurs because I've been insanely busy and my house needed a lot of attention. And funny ha-ha, my scale is down 2 lbs from last Monday's weigh in. huh....maybe I'm on to something with my suspicions...

    You said here that you lost more when you worked out less. I am going to go against what most have told you based on what you've said. You are probably working out too much or eating too little. Either dial down the exercise a bit, or raise your calories a little at a time and see what happens.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    I haven't logged for days

    ^^^^This. Open your diary if you really want help. Measure, log, own it!
  • lovetotravel04
    lovetotravel04 Posts: 29 Member
    I was wondering if you're exercising too much...I know that sounds crazy but....then again, you changed your routine in general and that helped for some reason.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    You have been eating below your BMR for too long and your body is holding on to every little bit of fat it has. Try eating above your BMR and below your TDEE. I don't think you have been eating enough.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 130 lbs currently. Any tips? Am I not exercising enough?
    I put your height/weight into a TDEE calculator and it came back with 1643. Subtract 500 for weight loss @ 1 lb/week and you get 1143 net calorie goal.

    You're not losing weight because you're eating almost at maintenance if you factor in various errors from food measurements, over estimate from exercise, etc.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    It's not medical. I am diabetic, so I get full blood work ups often.
    I do weigh and measure EVERYTHING.
    The bread I eat is the Healthy Life with Omega-3, so not much in the way of calories or carbs.
    I make my own dressing with greek yogurt, so not very calorie dense. Or I use vinagrettes.

    I'm not losing inches anymore either. My clothes have fit the same since fall. I have been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds for almost a year (after looking at my journal last night, this makes it even more frustrating)

    I have tried NOT eating the extra calories. I have tried lowering my calories.
    Spark people tells me I am burning more than the machine says. MFP tells me I'm burning more than the machine says.

    I have almost 80 lbs to lose, so I'm no where near close to my goal. I should have REACHED my goal already. I lost more weight when I did 30 minutes on the treadmill per day and no strength training. I stopped losing weight when I started the harder machines and eating what MFP told me to. It seems like when I bumped my efforts up, the results stopped.

    I get a lot of protein. I eat a lot of meat, nuts and greek yogurt.

    I do intervals on all the cardio machines
    My strength training uses all the weight machines at the Y.

    I added weights, I lost inches. I added more and harder cardio, and I stopped losing weight. Now I'm not losing either. I'm beyond frustrated.

    I get more protein than MFP says I should have. I get about half the carbs it says I should have. I get just under the amount of sodium I'm allowed.

    I drink almost nothing but water and I stopped ALL sugar sweetened drinks 3 years ago.

    I take a multi-vitamin and a fish oil daily.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm not getting enough calories in a day. And I don't like it.

    I haven't logged my calories since last Weds and I haven't been to the gym since Thurs because I've been insanely busy and my house needed a lot of attention. And funny ha-ha, my scale is down 2 lbs from last Monday's weigh in. huh....maybe I'm on to something with my suspicions...

    You said here that you lost more when you worked out less. I am going to go against what most have told you based on what you've said. You are probably working out too much or eating too little. Either dial down the exercise a bit, or raise your calories a little at a time and see what happens.

    I disagree. The last paragraph tells the whole story in lieu of the rest of the post.

    OP, you claim you eat perfectly, track everything, and work out hard. Then you write a paragraph on how you haven't done that the last 4 days. You also state that you eat a lot of greek yogurt and nuts, which means that you are snacking throughout the day and the latter snack is calorie dense. I would be willing to bet you don't weigh out nuts EVERY time you snack on them. You also stated before that you have a hearty salad for lunch quite often and those can easily have more calories than a cheeseburger.

    Simply put, you're not accurately tracking everything that is going into your body and you are over-estimating the amount of calories you are burning from exercise. That is why you aren't losing weight. It is not from eating too little and exercising too much; it's from eating too much and exercising too little.
  • zandaclearbrook
    What is 'your TDEE'?
  • Emglyfolk
    Emglyfolk Posts: 30 Member
    I don't count my exercise, so I never eat the extra calories I burn. if your workouts are very viggerous and you feel you need some extra calories - then use only half. As long as calories burned are less than what you eat you will lose weight.... maybe not as fast as you like, but if this is consistent you will lose weight.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    It's not medical. I am diabetic, so I get full blood work ups often.
    I do weigh and measure EVERYTHING.
    The bread I eat is the Healthy Life with Omega-3, so not much in the way of calories or carbs.
    I make my own dressing with greek yogurt, so not very calorie dense. Or I use vinagrettes.

    I'm not losing inches anymore either. My clothes have fit the same since fall. I have been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds for almost a year (after looking at my journal last night, this makes it even more frustrating)

    I have tried NOT eating the extra calories. I have tried lowering my calories.
    Spark people tells me I am burning more than the machine says. MFP tells me I'm burning more than the machine says.

    I have almost 80 lbs to lose, so I'm no where near close to my goal. I should have REACHED my goal already. I lost more weight when I did 30 minutes on the treadmill per day and no strength training. I stopped losing weight when I started the harder machines and eating what MFP told me to. It seems like when I bumped my efforts up, the results stopped.

    I get a lot of protein. I eat a lot of meat, nuts and greek yogurt.

    I do intervals on all the cardio machines
    My strength training uses all the weight machines at the Y.

    I added weights, I lost inches. I added more and harder cardio, and I stopped losing weight. Now I'm not losing either. I'm beyond frustrated.

    I get more protein than MFP says I should have. I get about half the carbs it says I should have. I get just under the amount of sodium I'm allowed.

    I drink almost nothing but water and I stopped ALL sugar sweetened drinks 3 years ago.

    I take a multi-vitamin and a fish oil daily.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm not getting enough calories in a day. And I don't like it.

    I haven't logged my calories since last Weds and I haven't been to the gym since Thurs because I've been insanely busy and my house needed a lot of attention. And funny ha-ha, my scale is down 2 lbs from last Monday's weigh in. huh....maybe I'm on to something with my suspicions...

    You said here that you lost more when you worked out less. I am going to go against what most have told you based on what you've said. You are probably working out too much or eating too little. Either dial down the exercise a bit, or raise your calories a little at a time and see what happens.

    I disagree. The last paragraph tells the whole story in lieu of the rest of the post.

    OP, you claim you eat perfectly, track everything, and work out hard. Then you write a paragraph on how you haven't done that the last 4 days. You also state that you eat a lot of greek yogurt and nuts, which means that you are snacking throughout the day and the latter snack is calorie dense. I would be willing to bet you don't weigh out nuts EVERY time you snack on them. You also stated before that you have a hearty salad for lunch quite often and those can easily have more calories than a cheeseburger.

    Simply put, you're not accurately tracking everything that is going into your body and you are over-estimating the amount of calories you are burning from exercise. That is why you aren't losing weight. It is not from eating too little and exercising too much; it's from eating too much and exercising too little.

    We will have to agree to disagree. She is overdoing it on the cardio IMO, and not eating enough to compensate. I would keep up the weight lifting, and dial down the cardio. And start logging again.
  • WhoDat5o4
    WhoDat5o4 Posts: 50 Member
    It's not medical. I am diabetic, so I get full blood work ups often.
    I do weigh and measure EVERYTHING.
    The bread I eat is the Healthy Life with Omega-3, so not much in the way of calories or carbs.
    I make my own dressing with greek yogurt, so not very calorie dense. Or I use vinagrettes.

    I'm not losing inches anymore either. My clothes have fit the same since fall. I have been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds for almost a year (after looking at my journal last night, this makes it even more frustrating)

    I have tried NOT eating the extra calories. I have tried lowering my calories.
    Spark people tells me I am burning more than the machine says. MFP tells me I'm burning more than the machine says.

    I have almost 80 lbs to lose, so I'm no where near close to my goal. I should have REACHED my goal already. I lost more weight when I did 30 minutes on the treadmill per day and no strength training. I stopped losing weight when I started the harder machines and eating what MFP told me to. It seems like when I bumped my efforts up, the results stopped.

    I get a lot of protein. I eat a lot of meat, nuts and greek yogurt.

    I do intervals on all the cardio machines
    My strength training uses all the weight machines at the Y.

    I added weights, I lost inches. I added more and harder cardio, and I stopped losing weight. Now I'm not losing either. I'm beyond frustrated.

    I get more protein than MFP says I should have. I get about half the carbs it says I should have. I get just under the amount of sodium I'm allowed.

    I drink almost nothing but water and I stopped ALL sugar sweetened drinks 3 years ago.

    I take a multi-vitamin and a fish oil daily.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm not getting enough calories in a day. And I don't like it.

    I haven't logged my calories since last Weds and I haven't been to the gym since Thurs because I've been insanely busy and my house needed a lot of attention. And funny ha-ha, my scale is down 2 lbs from last Monday's weigh in. huh....maybe I'm on to something with my suspicions...

    You said here that you lost more when you worked out less. I am going to go against what most have told you based on what you've said. You are probably working out too much or eating too little. Either dial down the exercise a bit, or raise your calories a little at a time and see what happens.

    I disagree. The last paragraph tells the whole story in lieu of the rest of the post.

    OP, you claim you eat perfectly, track everything, and work out hard. Then you write a paragraph on how you haven't done that the last 4 days. You also state that you eat a lot of greek yogurt and nuts, which means that you are snacking throughout the day and the latter snack is calorie dense. I would be willing to bet you don't weigh out nuts EVERY time you snack on them. You also stated before that you have a hearty salad for lunch quite often and those can easily have more calories than a cheeseburger.

    Simply put, you're not accurately tracking everything that is going into your body and you are over-estimating the amount of calories you are burning from exercise. That is why you aren't losing weight. It is not from eating too little and exercising too much; it's from eating too much and exercising too little.

    We will have to agree to disagree. She is overdoing it on the cardio IMO, and not eating enough to compensate. I would keep up the weight lifting, and dial down the cardio. And start logging again.

    I agree, dial back cardio and increase weights. I'd be willing to bet that she is not lifting heavy enough.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    It's not medical. I am diabetic, so I get full blood work ups often.
    I do weigh and measure EVERYTHING.
    The bread I eat is the Healthy Life with Omega-3, so not much in the way of calories or carbs.
    I make my own dressing with greek yogurt, so not very calorie dense. Or I use vinagrettes.

    I'm not losing inches anymore either. My clothes have fit the same since fall. I have been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds for almost a year (after looking at my journal last night, this makes it even more frustrating)

    I have tried NOT eating the extra calories. I have tried lowering my calories.
    Spark people tells me I am burning more than the machine says. MFP tells me I'm burning more than the machine says.

    I have almost 80 lbs to lose, so I'm no where near close to my goal. I should have REACHED my goal already. I lost more weight when I did 30 minutes on the treadmill per day and no strength training. I stopped losing weight when I started the harder machines and eating what MFP told me to. It seems like when I bumped my efforts up, the results stopped.

    I get a lot of protein. I eat a lot of meat, nuts and greek yogurt.

    I do intervals on all the cardio machines
    My strength training uses all the weight machines at the Y.

    I added weights, I lost inches. I added more and harder cardio, and I stopped losing weight. Now I'm not losing either. I'm beyond frustrated.

    I get more protein than MFP says I should have. I get about half the carbs it says I should have. I get just under the amount of sodium I'm allowed.

    I drink almost nothing but water and I stopped ALL sugar sweetened drinks 3 years ago.

    I take a multi-vitamin and a fish oil daily.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm not getting enough calories in a day. And I don't like it.

    I haven't logged my calories since last Weds and I haven't been to the gym since Thurs because I've been insanely busy and my house needed a lot of attention. And funny ha-ha, my scale is down 2 lbs from last Monday's weigh in. huh....maybe I'm on to something with my suspicions...

    You said here that you lost more when you worked out less. I am going to go against what most have told you based on what you've said. You are probably working out too much or eating too little. Either dial down the exercise a bit, or raise your calories a little at a time and see what happens.

    I disagree. The last paragraph tells the whole story in lieu of the rest of the post.

    OP, you claim you eat perfectly, track everything, and work out hard. Then you write a paragraph on how you haven't done that the last 4 days. You also state that you eat a lot of greek yogurt and nuts, which means that you are snacking throughout the day and the latter snack is calorie dense. I would be willing to bet you don't weigh out nuts EVERY time you snack on them. You also stated before that you have a hearty salad for lunch quite often and those can easily have more calories than a cheeseburger.

    Simply put, you're not accurately tracking everything that is going into your body and you are over-estimating the amount of calories you are burning from exercise. That is why you aren't losing weight. It is not from eating too little and exercising too much; it's from eating too much and exercising too little.

    ^^^ THIS! The OP has not given her total calories she eats per day, but bottom line, she is not creating a calorie deficit.

    ETA, And Diabetics generally have to eat lower carb, and usually a lot lower calorie than the online calculators tell you. Just one of those unfair parts of being insulin resistant.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    We will have to agree to disagree. She is overdoing it on the cardio IMO, and not eating enough to compensate. I would keep up the weight lifting, and dial down the cardio. And start logging again.
    Five to seven hours of low intensity cardio for exercise a week is not overdoing it. Not even close. At 38, she can easily handle 3x that much by this time next year if she exercises regularly and puts 100% effort into her workouts. I know she said high intensity but she is not yet in shape enough to actually do high intensity anything. What she thinks is high intensity interval training is her body getting tired at low intensity. It's called building a base, and it's hard and it sucks, but it's not high intensity.

    The idea that you can somehow do too much cardio by getting off the couch for 7 hours a week is just an excuse to not exercise.

    Weight lifting burns very few calories. It's good to do because it makes you look better at a given weight, but it will not accomplish weight loss. It's also a fast way to get injured if you don't know what you're doing, and if you replace cardio with weight lifting you are sabotaging weight loss goals.
  • fultimers
    fultimers Posts: 153 Member
    I just went to and it says my TDEE is 3100. And MFP gives me 1500. Hmmmmm

    I'm not an expert on TDEE like some on here are (just know enough to do it for myself) but if your TDEE really is 3100, you need to eat 3100 minus 20% or 30% (which is the max you should do), and you should be eating 2170-2480 calories a day. The only reason I said "if your TDEE really is...." is that we can easily manipulate our TDEE number depending on how active we say we are.

    Anyway, you wouldn't be eating back your exercise calories if you go the TDEE route.

    My humble recommendation (again there are many on her more knowledgeable than me) would be to keep increasing your daily calories by 100 calorie increments until you reach 2170.

    The other thing is that I am a very slow loser in weight. I just found out that I am hypothyroid and am now on medication. This plus another med that I've taken for years is surely why I can only lose 2-4 pounds a month. Has your doctor checked your thyroid levels?

    What you are doing isn't working--what's the harm in trying the TDEE method? It's easy to change your calorie and macro goals too.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I have been on MFP and spending lots and lots of time in the gym for the last year. At first I lost a LOT of inches and a couple of pounds. I have been eating the calories MFP says. I usually have 100 or a little less left at the end of each day. This includes the "extra'' calories as well. I spend well over an hour 5 days per week in the gym. I alternate between the elliptical, the arc and a machine called the AMT. I lift weights. I burn a LOT of calories according to the machines (and I know that isn't an accurate amount most times, but if it says I'm burning 900, then I'm probably burning at least 500.) I have been gaining and losing the same five pounds for over 6 months now. I'm starting to get sick of it. It makes me want to give up. I'm wondering if MFP isn't giving me enough calories, or if I'm just exercising too much. What do you all think?

    This describes me pretty perfectly this year. I spent most of the entire year losing and gaining the same 5 pounds. Up until about a month ago. The scale finally started moving for me.

    I am hypothyroid. And around March I went to get new blood tests. It turned out my TSH levels were really off after my pharmacy started to give me the generic medicine, and not the branded. That ended up triggering about a 20 pound weight gain around a year ago. Some of it was my fault, as I stopped logging when my progress slowed in one of many experiments to get back on track, and I reduced my exercise frequency.

    At the beginning of the year, I started to log my calories again (guesstimating or measuring). I am reasonably good at estimating, obviously there are times when I am off. I had a target of eating between about 1600-1800 calories a day. On a weekend, I might go over by a few one or two of the days (about 300 calories). My TDEE is about 2200-2300 assuming I do not do any exercise. And all year nothing happened. Other than small shifts of a pound or two.

    As a 6+ month veteran of the eternal plateau, I did a few things to stay on track.
    1. Set up completely new goals: around strength and endurance
    2. Revised my workouts slightly to focus on building the "shape" I wanted even though the scale wasn't budging
    3. Kept on logging, to hopefully identify any patterns

    Now, about 6 weeks after getting better blood test results, things seem to be back on track, and over the past couple weeks I am down 4 pounds. This is huge, considering for the last several months, I was just alternating the same 3 pounds.

    My suggestion for you, besides the above:
    1. Add strength training
    2. Up the intensity of your workouts
    3. Get your blood tested (you could also by hypothyroid or have PCOS, 2 things that make it harder to lose weight)
    4. Play around with your ratios. I find I do better with slightly less carbs. I aim for 45% (25% protein, 30% fat)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member

    Maybe your problem is a focus on weight. perhaps you should shift focus to BMI or arm/neck/waist/thigh measurements. you may be building muscle and getting leaner. there is a point where weight should plateau.

    BMI is a measure of weight. Perhaps you mean body fat percentage.