nutritional value

I just went to my local coffee shop and they offered a really neat drink. It was ice, green tea, mango, ginsing, guarana(sp) all crushed up like a smoothie. it did not include any yogurt or dairy products since I am allergic. The coffee shop did not have nutritional info for this drink. I came home and googled it and couldn't find it. Found lots with yogurt but this one has no yogurt. Since i don't have the amounts of anything I can't put it in as a recipe. Has anyone heard of a drink like this before and have any idea of the calories or do I just leave it off my track for today?


  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    You can put all the ingredients in separately, then save them as a meal. Although, it doesn't sound like there is a lot of calories in that.