Looking for Accountability

cfoy1 Posts: 3 Member
Hello. Im over 55 years old and hoping to finally lose this weight. Looking for help with accountability. And willing to help others with the same.


  • wolfe24
    wolfe24 Posts: 7 Member
    Well cfoy1 the best advise I can give is to buy a cheap food scale to weigh food and measure. Think about not dream of finally being thin but short term goals. For example, ask yourself what am I doing to eat healthy today? I have a goal to exercise 3 times a week and grocery shop for fresh food that I can have. Do I need to go to grocery store and buy what I need? Little things that are wins. Steps on a ladder.
    I write my planned meals out in journal so I can commit to eating only that.
    My big issue is I tend to binge eat nuts. A small handful is okay but not the whole jar!
    So I will hold your commitment that you will eat what you planned today !
    Please hold my commitment not to nosh on nuts! Have a wonderful, blessed day!