"There used to be a weight loss tracker (not an app) showing my progress. It was a little person mov

"There used to be a weight loss tracker (not an app) showing my progress. It was a little person moving along a line, showing every time I lost a pound. I don't see that anymore?"


  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 575 Member
    myfitnesspal doesn't have this anymore, I'm sorry. I wanted to keep using them as well.

    "Where did the weight loss tickers and badges go?
    6 months ago Updated
    As of November 21, 2022, the Tickers and Badges features are being retired and will no longer be available on the MyFitnessPal website.

    If you are currently displaying a Ticker or Badge on the Community Forum or your personal website, it will remain active until you remove it.

    Why are you retiring these features?

    We’re always evaluating our offerings and determining which features people use and which work best. Tickers and Badges are rarely used features. Instead of continuing to support them, we will allocate design and development resources to building new features and improving our more popular ones." From: https://support.myfitnesspal.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032622791-Where-did-the-weight-loss-tickers-and-badges-go-#:~:text=As of November 21, 2022,active until you remove it.

    I had seen some others with tickers around just recently, they used https://www.tickerfactory.com/ if you're still wanting a ticker.