I need tips to NOT gain weight while TOM is in town!

Hi everyone! I am really loving it here and enjoy reading through all the threads...im fairly new and this is my first post! Go figure my 1st post would be about something so "lovely" but I need HELP!
My start weight was 216.5 and in about 3 1/2 weeks I had gotten down to 209 but now that its that TOM I have gained back up to 213 :( Now, I know its normal to gain a few pounds during this time each month, but are there any ways to try to minimize this and keep my weight down as much as possible?
It is BEYOND frustrating to be working so hard and then to see those numbers start creaping back up :(
Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated!

~ Liz :)


  • laurenpence
    laurenpence Posts: 147
    Don't weigh yourself during your TOM so you dont get discouraged. Another thing is just to drink lots of water and workout. Oh and avoid alcohol and soda those can just make you feel even more bloated. Weigh yourself 2 days after your period is done running its course and I am sure you will be happy with the number!
  • losingnow
    losingnow Posts: 82
    Don't know if this helps, but my weight will always go back down after TOM has left. So I weigh in that week but know that it will always come off the next week. The best part is, if I have lost weight that week it will show up the next so not only will I drop back down to where I was I can sometimes be surprised with an extra pound or two;)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    treat it like any other week of the month. Eat right, drink TONS of water, and hit the gym. It's water weight anyway, no worries. Now if you're having problems with swelling, try diurex. It's an OTC water weight pill that will help a little.
    Mine is due this week and I'm retaining water BIG time, to the point where my feet & ankles are so swollen it's uncomfortable to walk. I don't let it stop me though. I'm going to gym in a bit here to sweat some of this water weight out of me!
  • wallena
    wallena Posts: 32
    DO NOT weigh yourself while you're on your period. wait until a couple of days afterward. drink water and think thin. avoid salty foods, hard to do while you're on but do your best. a kind of salty low fat food is lowfat popcorn and i put lowfat white cheddar cheese seasoning on mine. delicious but not bloating. that's if you need something salty. no alcohol. do your best to stay off the scale.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    1- try to keep your sodium at 1000-1200 mg a day. 

    2- start your day with protein trying to avoid carbs. 

    3- increase your water intake. 

    4- get some exercise in. 

    5- weigh-in 7-10 days after your last cycle day.
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    Thanks ladies! I knew that it was getting to that time of the month and I should have just stayed off the scale but couldnt resist...now im thinking its just much better to avoid the scale until afterwards! I hadnt worked out or done anything to loose weight (anything serious that is) in 10 yrs. and ive had 3 kiddos and gained a LOTof weight with each pregnancy so I was SUPER excited to finally be loosing weight and then I started gaining ( I know its just water) and it was more depressing than I thought it would be.

    Thanks again for the advice!
  • camaris
    camaris Posts: 36 Member
    Hahaha I was trying to work out who this TOM guy is and how he makes people gain weight. Then I'm like...oh yeah *blushes* lol
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    Hahaha I was trying to work out who this TOM guy is and how he makes people gain weight. Then I'm like...oh yeah *blushes* lol

    Hee hee... I said the same thing when I saw someone use it on here, it took me a minute to figure it out! I just used that because ive seen it a lot around here so im just going with the flow (no pun intended) LOL
  • SaveTheDrama
    Most of the weight gain is water weight. so I try to aviod the scale, drink extra water and watch my sodium intake. It works for me. I usually have little to no weight gain if I do these things.
  • bumbalina
    bumbalina Posts: 33 Member
    Thank god someone asked the question cause I was wondering about this as well, Just too shy to ask!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Everyone said it, but seriously, just don't weigh yourself for the few days before you get it and wait until it is definitely gone to weigh yourself again. It just isn't worth the disappointment and the worry that your hard work has gone to waste when it hasn't!!

    As long as you are keeping up with your diary and not over-indulging you aren't actually gaining weight. So really, there is no reason to try and minimize the weight gain during your TOM because it is just a natural thing that happens. And seeing as it doesn't mean you've actually gained weight, don't worry about it. It isn't worth it.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    The only comment I can make is that from personal experience, you don't need to wait 7 -10 days after your cycle ends to weigh again. Generally, within 2 days of the end, your water weight gain should be gone.

    This post makes me glad I don't have to deal with the problem anymore. I realize it is not an option for someone still planning to have a family, but the hysterectomy I had in January 2009 was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Best of luck to those still having a visit from our old friend "TOM" every month.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    So yesterday TOM has come to visit! I spent all day shouting at everyone and dreaming of chocolate. I failed to resist and had a cadburys caremel egg!! I crave chocolate!! The rest of the time I can take it or leave it. My problem is I can't exercise because i get terrible back ache. I am trying to take the dog for a 30min walk everyday but im worried this wont be enough as its nothing compared to the work out i have been doing! Im worried