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Calorie adjustment for exercise on NEXT day after earned (so can see actual & know real day total)

The option to add in calories you can eat each day based on exercise seems great, but how can I start planning meals for the day without knowing how many calories I can add in? What if I think I will make it to the gym that evening, but things happen...

I suggest an option to add in your exercise calorie credit the next day! So Monday, I track and aim for my normal calorie goal and burn 1000 calories at the gym. The next morning before I log breakfast, I'd love for the app to ask me how many of those 1000 calories burned (from prior day) I'd like to be able to enjoy on Tuesday! Maybe I want to set it to 50% of those calories by default but have the option to override it for days I want to be more ambitious? Maybe I did a big workout before planning a night out and want to eat them all! Each day, I'd love the option to adjust, but probably have a default % I can set (especially since I think my Fitbit over estimates calories burned).

It is an extra step to set how many calories to add in each day from prior workouts, but it would let me do it based on actual workouts from the prior day, rather than starting to eat without really knowing what my total will be for the day. That could be the difference between a nice healthy breakfast at home versus knowing I can enjoy a morning out at Waffle House!

Hope that makes sense.

BTW, I am still trying to lose another 15 lbs, so I do not add back in exercise calories yet. I expect I will want a feature like this once I reach my goal weight and want to maintain. So, it may be helpful if people who do use "add exercise calories back in" feature chimed in on whether this would really be helpful for them or not.
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