I Need Help.

Hello! This is my first post here. Let me start it off by saying that if you are impatient with reading, go ahead and stop now. This post will be long because I need to explain my situation in order to narrow down the type of help I'm looking for.

If you're still reading to this point, thank you for taking the time to help me. I apologize that this will be a long post, but I have to tell you about my background in order to help you help me.

Basically, I'm a picky eater. Or, at least I was. I was very picky about food growing up. I would never try new things. I found a few foods I liked and I stuck to that. That was my comfort zone. One of those foods - actually THE food - was pizza. I ate pizza every single day for YEARS! I drank soda nearly every day for years. My breakfast, if I had one, was Pop Tarts. Or donuts. Or some sugary cereal. As if this weren't bad enough, I didn't exercise. I pretty much watched TV, messed around on the computer, and played video games.

Needless to say, there is no mystery as to why I exploded to around 310lbs (at 5'11") when I was my heaviest in August of 2011. I'm not one to claim genetic defects for my obesity. I accept complete responsibility for how I was.

Flash forward to March 1st, 2012. This is when I began my "diet". I use the term "diet" loosely here, because I cheated on my diet a lot after that point. Nevertheless, that is the day I really made that decision to lose weight. Before that, I hadn't even considered it. When I began my diet, though, I was 280lbs. The reason I had lost so much weight in the six months it had been since I weighed my heaviest is because it was August of 2011 that I had quit drinking soda. I quit not for dieting reasons, but because I had gone through a period of anxiety (including panic attacks) and depression that began in June of 2010. When I finally realized that caffeine was not helping the situation, I quit drinking caffeinated soda. I haven't had one since August 21, 2011. I did still drink Sierra Mist and Sprite on occasion after that, but I haven't had one of those since October 7th, 2012.

Flash forward a year and a half later to today. I was 222.8lbs this morning. Losing 57lbs in a year and a half isn't what I had hoped for, but it's where I'm at. I admit that there were long periods of time when I did not try as hard (if at all) as I could have. I could have hit this point quicker, and it's completely my fault that I didn't. But dwelling on that accomplishes nothing, nor is it why I'm here.

I'm here because I need help. If you're starting to get discouraged and think that I'm not worth the time and effort on your part to help me because I'm a picky eater, never fear! I'm no longer a picky eater. I broke the pizza habit about a year ago, and I've further expanded my food choices in the last few months. I did that by simply pushing myself to do it, and it has paid off. But I've hit a road block.

That's where you come in.

I need your help. Exercise tips are helpful, but diet tips are preferred. Diet tips are actually the main reason why I'm here. Although I am no longer afraid to try new things, I still haven't expanded my palate to that of a normal, functioning human being. So I'm looking for tips, advice, and ideas on what to eat. I do eat fairly healthy now, but I'm afraid I don't eat enough, and I'm afraid that may at some point (if it already isn't) affect my ability to lose weight and be healthy.

Although I'm looking for ideas for all types of food, my problem area is vegetables. I've tried. Believe me, I have tried many, many times. I've tried to eat them and like them, but it just doesn't happen. They taste like grass to me. There are some exceptions, like bell peppers, but vegetables that I like are definitely a minority. Not only have I tried, but I can look at vegetables and truly want them! I LOVE the idea of vegetables tasting good to me! But it simply doesn't happen. To be fair, I've tried them without dressing, but only because I'm still very picky about dressings and sauces, and I've yet to see one on a store shelf that looks like I'd actually like it.

To make a long story short, I'm looking for ideas for foods to eat that will help me push forward and lose weight with more efficiency. Mentally, I'm ready. I cringe at the thought of eating pizza or burgers (which is a food that I had never tried until this year, and one that I should have left alone, because I love them now). I also have a gym membership and I go at least 3 times a week. So, I'm ready and I'm willing. I really am. But I don't have the food weapons to help me in this battle.

So this is my plea: If you have any advice or ideas on what foods I should be eating, and if you have any advice or ideas on how I can make vegetables more desirable to me, I would be greatly appreciative of your assistance. The only thing I ask that you take note of is that I don't have a large budget. I sort of live paycheck-to-paycheck. I welcome all ideas, regardless of how much they cost, because who knows, maybe I'll win the lottery tomorrow. But I just thought you should know that going in.

One last thing: If you're someone who is/was a picky eater like me and you have lost weight, I'd especially love to hear from you! I'd greatly appreciate your story, your tips, ideas, anything you can think of to tell me. I feel, given the similarity in our situations, you could be a true asset to me.

Thank you for the probably three of you who have made it this far. I do apologize for how long this post is, but it was necessary for you to know exactly what my situation is like. I thank you in advance for any and all help you can give me.


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You could make your own burgers instead of buying them so you can control the calories. Grate up some veggies to mix into the meat and you won't really know they are there. Things like onion, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini or celery would be good choices. Make a meat sauce the same way for putting on pasta with the grated veggies in it.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    Make casseroles and stir fries, using different seasonings/sauces, sechuan, curry, peanut sauce, italian red sauce, taco sauce/salsa, etc. Try raw vegetables. Add onions or garlic or ginger if you favor those flavors. Do vegetables in batter (yes, not as healthy, but you're trying to develop a taste for something innately healthy, so small steps are ok). Add bacon or nuts to vegetables. Some people like certain vegetable cooked in a "cream" soup (like cream of mushroom). Go to someplace like an ethnic grocery or Whole Foods or Trader Joes and try some of the "less common" vegetables (you may need to ask for preparation help).
  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member
    I think your problem is in the approach to the food. You think you have to like the food in order to eat it. It is wrong! You have to like yourself and your body first. And for your body in order to function properly, you need to maintain it properly, which includes balanced food, whether you like it or not. You have to change oil in the car in order to run it. You don't even ask if the car likes it or not. It is a must. Same with the food. Don't even think "what would I like to have for dinner tonight?". Just plan a balanced menu for a week and eat it. They human is such an animal, it will get used to anything. If you continue using balanced diet, you will get used to it. It doesn't have to be a lot of broccoli or tuna on your plate, just a small portion. Eat it and leave hungry if you don't like the taste of it and don't want to eat more. Yes, it does taste like grass. And if you look at the vegetables and don't truly want it -- you just not truly hungry!
  • kellzi89
    kellzi89 Posts: 65 Member
    I have decided recently to have a vegetarian style meal a week, because I fear I am not getting enough veges. I have grilled mushrooms, satay veges, roast vegetable lasagane. I got all of my ideas from this website (http://www.weighitup.com.au/recipes?Search=&tagVegetarian=1&Page=1) That link goes straight to the vegetarian options, but I figure I'll try it and If I don't like it I just wont make it again!
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    Yeah...I'm not getting the I can't eat vegetables because they taste like grass. That's like saying all meat tastes like chicken.

    If you're not into eating vegetables, then you need to follow the advice of Fit_Natasha. You're an adult and you need to eat like one. You need to figure out how to make vegetables palatable. The easiest way is to place vegetables in things you already eat.

    For me, that meant sticking a cup of chopped broccoli in couscous, adding zucchini and spinach to lasagna, or like another poster suggested, placing vegetables in meat. I eat scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese. Pretty easy stuff really.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    You can lose weight and be healthy without eating a single vegetable. The simple solution is: if you don't like it, don't eat it. If you do like it, then eat it and stay within your calorie allowance. You can even have pizza for dinner in moderation if you have a light breakfast/lunch to make sure you have enough of your calorie allowance left over. If it's really that hard for you to choke down vegetables, buy a multivitamin and be done with it.

    But if you are set on trying to like vegetables, I recommend 1) cooking them, either steamed or sauteed in 1/2 tbsp of olive oil or butter and 2) seasoning them appropriately. I will agree with you that raw vegetables taste like grass, and soggy boiled vegetables with nothing on them or drenched in butter taste like eating urine. Most people don't know how to cook vegetables, and I didn't either until I went out to a fancy restaurant for a special occassion with my wife and was shown the light. After that, I learned how to do that myself.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Use my sweet Great Aunt Mary's advise, eat three bites of it, if you don't like it fine,stop but if you find you do like it eat as much as you want. I learned to love sooo many foods under her guidance. I love things like okra, eggplant, zuchinni, turnips, and all the so called bitter greens which is what you are probably referring to when you say tastes like grass. I am basically the opposite of a picky eater, I try anything at least once. Makes eating so much more fun.

    What kind of pizza did you eat, pizza can be pretty healthy if you add the right stuff to it.

    You might consider opening your diary to the public to get feed back. And read the diaries of your friends here to get some ideas.

    And a big congratulations of stopping the soft drinks, soda is the worst, even the diet ones are bad for you.
  • I wouldn't like vegetables either if I had to eat them raw without dressing! Start with some extra-virgin olive oil and vinegar, salt 'em up and (try to) enjoy. This is really good for salads, tomatoes, broccoli... Also you can start adding chopped garlic on top and onions (raw or cooked). Also you may want to experiment with cooking methods. You can roast them (most vegetables get a different - and better - taste when roasted), stir-fry them (great for carrots, bell peppers, onions, broccoli...) with a protein source, steam them (e.g. broccoli, carrots, peas, asparagus), stew them, sautee them, etc.

    You need to go out of your comfort zone, put your adult pants on and experiment with cooking. You don't have to eat ALL vegetables, but try to acquaint yourself with at least some of them, for variety's sake at least. Of course, you don't actually HAVE to eat them. You could lose weight on a diet based on Twinkies and Snickers, or just eat whatever you like and supplement with a multivitamin (which is quite debatable and generally considered not optimal). In my humble opinion you'd be missing out... Vegetables can be just delicious. :smile:
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    I posted this to someone else before, so here you go.

    The steps to losing weight:

    1) Find your TDEE. There are numerous TDEE calculators over the internet. Use about 5 of them and take an average from them. Make sure you're 100% honest with them or the results won't help you.

    2) Subtract a reasonable deficit from this average. About 300-500 calories. You do not want to give yourself too much of a deficit otherwise you will be causing yourself more harm than good. You will be surprised at how much you can eat whilst being on a "diet". Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Nobody has successfully lost weight by trying to find a quick and easy road.

    3) Make sure you reach your macro goals. Use this calculator to help you with your macros: http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ (You can also use this as one of your TDEE calculators)

    4) Try some low intensity or HIIT cardio routines. For low intensity, walk on a treadmill with a 10% incline at about 3.5kmh for 30-40 minutes. For some HIIT cardio, either on a treadmill or outside walk for 1 minute, then run for 1 minute. Do this for 10-15 minutes.

    5) Start lifting weights. There are numerous programs out there for BOTH genders, not just men. A good one if you don't want to lift weights 5-6 times a week is the 5x5 Program. NOTE: LIFTING WEIGHTS WILL NOT MAKE YOU "BULKY" OR LOOK LIKE A MAN. YOU ARE NOT CONSUMING ENOUGH CALORIES TO PUT ON SIGNIFICANT MASS NOR DO YOU HAVE THE TESTOSTERONE LEVELS TO BUILD LARGE MUSCLES.

    6) Rest. Get plenty of sleep each night to allow your body to recover from exercise.

    7) Last but not least. DO NOT GO BY SCALES. This will be your biggest de-motivator. Instead use a tape measure and measure yourself - Re-measure yourself every month. Take photos of yourself every 2 weeks - a month. This is a MUCH better way at tracking your progress. Weight doesn't matter when it comes to appearance. What matters is your body fat % and how you look and feel.

    That's all there is too it. If you're dedicated enough, eat properly and exercise where you're pushing yourself the fat will melt off.