Calorie deficit

Hello it’s a random question but I was nutrition plan and I got told my protein and calorie deficit was too low for someone who goes gym 4-5x week so I came off it. I was just wondering how accurate this app is on calorie deficit once you put all details in and tell you how much calories you allowed to intake?

Also if I have cheat day do I have to stick to same amount of calories on the app or have no limits but not going over board either!

Would I be better going someone who professional to step me up on a new and use the app as a guideline


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,390 Member
    The app is based on statistical averages, so it's pretty accurate for a lot of people, somewhat less accurate for some and way off for a small minority. It goes on both directions by the way, MFP's number can be too high or too low.

    Keep in mind that MFP intends for you to select an activity level based on your non exercise activity, and than log exercise separately in your diary, which then increases your calorie goal.

    To find out if the number is correct for you, you can follow it for 4 to 6 weeks (or 1 or 2 menstrual cycles, if applicable) and see if your weight has done what you expected (1lb of bodyfat is around 3500 calories).

    Don't forget that a lot also depends on how accurately you track your food intake. Using volume measurements and units like 'one slice' will have a way larger margin of error than weighing your food.