Healthy overhaul

Two days sticking to my diet including avoiding beer and wine. Just finished a quick 20mins bodyweight routine making me feel stronger, and 15 mins running sprint intervals, making me feel more resilient. Dieting and not drinking w dinner is the hardest part for me. How about you?


  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hardest part? Probably trying to rein in the sweets. Lord have mercy.

    Your enthusiasm is great, but make sure you're not going to burn out. Weight loss is one of those things where a "slow but steady" approach keeps it within reach.

    As far as avoiding alcohol, I detested trying to make it fit into my calorie goal, so I quit it altogether in 2013. Conveniently, smoking went with it too, since I was a social drink smoker. But, oy, the sweets.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,096 Member
    In year 7 of maintenance, it's mostly just routine habits now, TBH. I'm glad I thought about the loss part of it in that way - looking for long-term sustainable habits - because I feel like that was helpful for not just getting to a healthy weight, but staying at that healthy weight long term.

    It sounds like you're off to a good start. My advice, in general, is to let go of "lose weight fast" and embrace "manage weight permanently". If you can see yourself doing this kind of eating/drinking/workout long term - with just a few extra calories to spend once in maintenance - IMO you're finding a good path.

    The stuff that's a little hard at first gets easier with repetition. The stuff that's too hard (unsustainable) breaks down. Which is which? That's very individual. You'll figure it out.

    Best wishes!
  • Sinisterbarbie1
    Sinisterbarbie1 Posts: 711 Member
    I am in maintenance and adding to my workouts now to rebuild lost muscle and likely thereby also add some pounds back on, but ones I am OK with. I am almost afraid to say that everything is in a very good groove. My eating has been sustainable throughout and now that I am adding in more workouts I am feeling really energized and loving feeling stronger and seeing muscles reemerge. Just hoping that I can sustain this despite the inevitable loops life always has in store for me. For me the hardest part is committing to put my needs somewhere on the list of every other thing that needs attending to, but I am getting better at saying no I can’t do that then I have another commitment and not feeling like I owe every person an explanation that it is a pilates class for me or a dr appointment for a parent.