
Hi Everyone, so I restarted my journey to a healther me 11days ago. Im finding every 3 days or so I have a day where Im starving the whole day. I drink 2lt of water, have cereal in the morning/protein lunch times. And then my evening meal. What can I add/do to my diet on those days to help me not go over my calorie count. Any advice would be appreciated


  • badcyclist
    badcyclist Posts: 1 Member
    There are a few options here and all of them work.

    1.) don’t be so strict on calories each day. Yes, I know it is a slippery slope, but this is about long term success. Look at your multi-day averages and if you need a few more calories one day to fill the void, give yourself the permission to do that, but commit to do it responsibly by adding snacks that we filling, but not highly caloric.

    2.) if there is a pattern, recognize those days and take your calories in on those days in a more frequent cadence. If you typically have 3 meals and a snack, on those days, make it something like 2 meals and 5 snacks. Your body will subconsciously recognize the break in the pattern and cut you some slack on the hunger.

    3.) just get comfortable with hunger. This is one of my key strategies. I recognize that I am not starving, so I try to develop a relationship with hunger. Rather than focusing on how much I want food, I have framed it that the hunger is just evidence that what I am doing is working. This is also a slippery slope, as you do t want to have an eating disorder, but if you are looking at your calorie counts, you can probably make a reasonable estimation they you are not really starving yourself, you are just hungry and that is OK, because you are going to get food at some point.

    Re-wiring is tough, but you can do it!!!!