Giving into cravings

Is it just me but if I don't have what I'm craving for it will stay on my mind till I have it and once I have it ,its gone from my mind.
I'm craving pizza hut ATM and I don't have self control when it comes to pizza .


  • Rockmama1111
    Rockmama1111 Posts: 262 Member
    Nope, it’s not just you.

    It helps me to plan for it. I recently had a cheeseburger craving. I got all the stuff, ate light for breakfast and lunch, baked homemade buns, and ate the best 900+ calorie cheeseburger for dinner. It was worth every calorie.
  • obstacle_overcomer
    obstacle_overcomer Posts: 133 Member
    I am going to vent and tell on myself. Yesterday about noon, I noticed a can of chili-ready tomatoes in tomato juice. I used to always make a very fatty, high calorie dip using those & had been known to eat the whole thing. (In it was the tomatoes, some grated parm cheese, some sour cream and a whole block of cream cheese.) I was remembering we *might* still have cream cheese because I don't remember it having been used. I geared myself up and told myself that, 'No, do NOT make that dip. It isn't worth it.' It took me a few minutes to obey myself. I made it all the way until about 6:30 this morning when I couldn't figure out what to have for a very early breakfast so I don't miss my morning meds...again! I couldn't think of anything to fit my Meal Plan because I was thinking of that dip. I gave in. :( I gave in and I am so upset with myself, along with being disgusted and embarrassed! I CANNOT BELIEVE I FIXED IT AND THEN ATE THE WHOLE THING along with an entire tube of Ritz crackers because we don't allow chips in our home, but I sure found something, didn't I???!!! (I had forgotten we still had a can of those tomatoes that was bought long before we started this.) Just cannot have those ingredients for any reason all at once. Anyway, I was so upset with myself and embarrassed for this setback that I thought about hiding the evidence and not logging what I had for breakfast, but NOOOOO that isn't how to overcome obstacles like this & I have to be honest and take responsibility for my choices, good or bad. Accountability. Do you know how bad I did NOT want to log that dip?! Do I give up and just allow the rest of the day to be messy like this? THAT IS A BIG NO!!! Like I tell others, we aren't a failure. I had a setback, NOT a failure. So now, I WILL pick myself up, dust myself off, see that I accepted responsibility for my actions & continue with my Meal Plan for the rest of the day. I wouldn't just stop shopping if I dropped and broke a bottle of something, so I'm not going to allow the whole day to be ruined due to making a bad choice for my first meal of the day. Now, will you share with me a time when you had a setback? Or maybe you are dealing with it now and are having trouble getting past that obstacle? Thank you for reading. :)
  • Rockmama1111
    Rockmama1111 Posts: 262 Member
    That’s a great attitude, @obstacle_overcomer! Being honest with yourself in your food log is, in my opinion, the biggest factor in losing weight. For me, I’ve found that if I log it, it’s like I’ve given myself permission to let it go. It’s done and over. I ate 2900 calories yesterday! I’ll have a lighter food day today and still have a deficit for the week. Anything under maintenance calories is a step in the right direction.

    You’ve identified a problem and arrived at a solution. These are huge wins.