Finally taking it seriously...

I'm Stan from Northwest England. Early 40s. Long time MFP user, first time poster. Got to my heaviest ever weight towards the end of 2022; 250lbs/113kg (which is pretty heavy for someone 5'11). Looking to get down to my target weight of 95kg and maintain from there, whilst also working on my strength goals. My preferred exercises are running, swimming and weight training. I'm now also more careful with what I eat, not to the point of punishing myself, one has to try and enjoy life, just more sensible portions (i.e. no longer putting away two man's rations). Seems to be working so far...
Feel free to add me if you think we can help motivate each other, or even if you just need a friendly ear to sound off to, or bounce ideas off.
Good luck with your fitness goals. Stay strong!


  • Markmoor78
    Markmoor78 Posts: 15 Member
    Sent you a friend request - been on MFP for a while with mixed success but I do best when I have MFP friends to share the joy and the pain with!
  • Matti2day
    Matti2day Posts: 10 Member
    I am just starting out once again on here. and I would like to add friends
  • StanDandyLiver
    StanDandyLiver Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome my brothers! 🍻 💪