lacking motivation

rbcloftus Posts: 12
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I'm really struggling, I resigned up to this last week and felt so positive but i'm just not sticking to it and it's getting to me. i don't know how to get myself motivated :(


  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    You are not going to get everything perfect straight away. Just make small changes each time until they become a habit. I have started this lifestyle change more times then I can remember....but this time I have actually stuck to it. I think once you are in the positive mind set, you will ace it.

    Just don't give yourself a hard time, keep trying and keep smiling!!

    And to gain more motivation, maybe you could write a list about why you are doing it, then just keep it handy to remind yourself!
  • helenc2904
    helenc2904 Posts: 2 Member
    I really know the feeling. I feel horrible about the way i look at the moment and have no clothes that fit me. But i just get so demotivated after a long day at work and have no desire to do anything, this gets me even further down.
    See if you can get a friend or Partner to be your diet and exercise buddy,

    Having someone there to give you a lift can really help.

    Good luck x
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    To be brutally honest, motivation comes from within. When you're truly ready to do this, you will find the motivation.

    "No motivation" is quite simply just one of the many excuses people use for not doing anything. It's not easy, it takes a lot of effort and hard work, and no, you won't want to do it everyday. The only way to do it is to just do it. There's really nothing anybody can say to make you do it, you have to want it for yourself and stop using excuses to put it off.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Just do it that's the only way. Yes there are times and days when you don't feel like it but if you don't do it you'll just continue the cycle.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I watch this video when I need motivation. It always lifts my spirits:

    I agree with what other people have said.... do small, positive things every day no matter what you feel like doing. You can't let your emotions or your mood make the decision.

    These things have helped me:

    Think of it as a new lifestyle, not a diet

    I picked an exercise I really like (walking and hiking) so I look forward to doing it. And once I walk there, I have to walk back. It's not like the gym where you can just step away.

    I change my food from time to time

    I bought a pair of motivation jeans and left them out where I could see them (now they're getting too big!)

    Try a different exercise or sign up for a 5K so you will have to train

    Join a class

    I think in 10 pound increments or "decades" -- easier than thinking I have to lose 50 pounds.
  • luciebam88
    Something a bit random, buy a money box and for every lb that you loose put a set amount in it (£/$1, £/$5), then when you have reached your goal you have some funds towards all the new clothes that you will need :) Do look at it as a lifestyle change as well. You can do it!
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