New Member. Hello

Hello All.

I am new to the forums. I am a 46 y.o. Male living in Tokyo, Japan. One of the hubs for delicious foods…and yet also skinny people.

I am almost 3 years into my fitness journey (2 year and 9 months). And I have lost as much as 100 lbs, though currently about 85 as I decided to put on more muscle.

I am currently doing Alternate Day Fasting.

For me, I enjoy the physical part of fitness, but the mental is where I am weak. As a former fat person I am always worried about getting fat again, and I often don’t believe people when they tell me how fit I look, or that I have lost enough weight and really don’t need to be so strict anymore.

Anyway, I am sure I will post some questions now and then, and maybe look for recipes since I just got an Air Fryer :)

Greetings to all.