To all the Nursing Mothers

Im looking for any other new nursing mothers out there. I know our diets have to be tweaked a little, and exercise as we can. I have a 5 mo old, 3 yr old and a 9 yr old. I would love to get a group together to motivate to lose baby weight!


  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I just sent you a friend request.
  • gelbell
    gelbell Posts: 24 Member
    wow, you read my mind i would love to be in nursing mothers weight loss group. My daughter is Kaelyn 11 months and my main modivation to lose the extra pounds aroung the middle. Plus, i don't know if i'm the only one but i'm having a hard time losing any weight!
  • cbolinde4
    cbolinde4 Posts: 2
    I hear nursing mothers hold their weight for longer than non-nursing moms. Hang in there. It is a little harder to do, but you can do it!
  • shawnalmil
    shawnalmil Posts: 137
    I hear nursing mothers hold their weight for longer than non-nursing moms. Hang in there. It is a little harder to do, but you can do it!
    thats funny cause i heard that breastfeeding helps lose weight

    im not currently breastfeeding, but when i did i lost weight when i stopped i gained weight just wanted to bump ya
  • hannie75
    hannie75 Posts: 18 Member
    I"m a new mom and nursing... I gained over 60lbs .. I've decided to start dieting and get my old body back as I have read that it is pretty safe to start watching what you eat after at least 6 weeks of straight nursing. So far so good, I have been on my diet for 3 weeks lost almost 6lbs and no change in the amount of milk i produce. I'm also looking to new and/or breastfeeding mommy group :)

    PS: its been a difficult 3 weeks due to hunger pains i feel when i breastfeed but I'm taking it one day at a time.
  • flems629
    flems629 Posts: 80 Member
    I am nursing right now as well. I would love to be in the group! :)
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    Breastfeeding has definitely helped me to lose weight. It burns between 200-600 calories a day depending on how much your baby eats and how many ounces you produce.

    I waited until my baby was 7 weeks old and breastfeeding was well established before I made my lifestyle change. I have not noticed a drop in my supply and my now 4 month old is steadily gaining weight and still nursing.
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    I'd like to join a nursing mothers group too. I just joined MFP today because I cannot get my weight to budge. My baby is 9 months old. With my first daughter I nursed and just dropped the weight like crazy. This go around it's different. How many calories did everyone add to their daily intake. I added 300??
  • cjjohnson
    cjjohnson Posts: 32 Member
    Add me to you friend list and well set a day for weigh ins and chats! So HAPPY to hear from you all!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I am a nursing mom my son is 9 months old. I just really started to try losing the weight yesterday. I have about 75 pounds to lose. He's 9 mos. I have a 5 and 3 year old too.
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Congrats on your little one! :flowerforyou:

    Breastfeeding Mama here too! We just had our 2nd son in February so he's now 5 mos old. I lost about 18 lbs after having him but then the weightloss stopped (I wasn't dieting or exercising so go figure!). I joined MFP in April and have had a TON of success. I am sooo close to my goal. I'm planning on breastfeeding for at least a year if it works for my son. I just bumped up my cal deficit to 600 cals today since he's eating a lot & still not on solids quite yet.
  • luvHim
    luvHim Posts: 35 Member
    I'm one of those nursing moms as well.....although mine is on some solids. Still, he is a 19-pounder and requires alot of food! LOL Anyway, he is 6 months old and I have struggled to lose weight for the last 2 months. I am more toned, but still at a plateau. At first I was only eating 1700cals or less, and my milk supply dropped. I'm very active and since then have decided to up mine to 2100. I'm actually feeling like it's now starting to come off again, even though it is still very slow. But I just couldn't function at 1500-1700 cals. I'm curious what everyone else's cals I the only one who has to have at least 2000?
  • areid074
    areid074 Posts: 4
    Hi, Im a nursing mom as well. I have a 8 month old son. I lost weight after he was born but gained it back quickly after I went back to work. I just joined mfp last week and have lost 5 lbs. Please add me to the group.
  • cjjohnson
    cjjohnson Posts: 32 Member
    I eat 1200 and usually burn around 600 a day, my milk is great and my baby satisfied and fat !
  • sarahas
    sarahas Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to join you. My baby (my third) is 7 weeks old and I have 9 lb to go to get to pre-pregnancy weight, and 16 to get to my goal weight! I'm ready for this challenge. I start coaching cheerleading next week, so hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the kids :)
  • shanikachante
    shanikachante Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to join. My baby is 7 weeks now. I only lost 11 lbs after I gave birth which really sucks. Breastfeeding hasn't helped me lose any weight yet. Guess I'm on my own with
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I am trying the weight watchers diet not really counting calories just counting points. My milk lowered when my baby was younger so I stopped trying to lose weight. He's right at 9 months now though so I am trying again. I started on monday. I have seen the number on the scale go down a bit so it is nice. I am determined to meet my goals.
  • happykat007
    happykat007 Posts: 26 Member
    I would love to join also. My son is 4 months old and I also have a daughter who is almost 3. I have 12 lbs to go to get to pre-preg weight, and 21 on top of that I would like to lose.
  • amandasilva
    amandasilva Posts: 50 Member
    Count me in! You all can add me as a friend if you would like.
    My son and I do modified nursing, since I work FT, I pump about 15 oz at the office, and then BF the times we are together. He is now 7 and a half months old, and I went from 239 (Jan 1, 2010) to my current weight of 208.5.
    I just joined MFP when I found the app on my ipod. So easy to use, and I have loved being able to see the daily calorie counts.

    This is baby #3 for me.....and so, I have gained and lost quite a bit over the years (Oldest is 9).

    Yay for mommies!