Is there anybody out there 70 and on a walker?

I gained more than 100++ lbs. on various psych meds and am fighting to lose it. Down 50 from 2 years ago but have been on a seesaw this year with med changes. I'd like to connect with people in my age, disability and med-related situation.

Having to use a walker -- or on good days a cane -- really cramps one's style. But after a few bad falls, I just got out of rehab with a set of strengthening exercises which take about an hour a day. Unfortunately no caloric effect.

Also a vegetarian.


  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Best wishes to you. Have you talked yo your doctor about swimming? I've seen several disabled people on MFP talk about the benefits of swimming since there's no impact. You can also burn a lot of calories.
  • LornaHart109
    LornaHart109 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Yes just like you with a change in my meds the weight is creeping up. I'm 60 and have arthritis. Ready for shooting really!! need to lose 1 1/2 stone, perhaps we can support each other, oops I'm not that strong! LornaB:
  • SBL7
    SBL7 Posts: 6
    I was 55 when my husband died and I got a bipolar diagnosis. I had never weighed more than 135 in my life, but almost all those meds either put on weight themselves or more probably increase one's appetite to where anything in sight or driving range is there for the eating. It was gradual for the most part but sometimes the weight came in spurts up to finally 260!!! I just have to be very careful about what I even allow in the house and eating out is strictly limited. I have lost 50 total but med changes this year have really thrown me for a loop -- 40 lbs. in six weeks! But MFP and entering everything I eat or drink has really made a difference.
  • SBL7
    SBL7 Posts: 6
    Thanks for the tip. Where I live the pool is only 4 feet deep and not very spacious but I am trying at least for a little aerobic workout.