Anyone doing / have done "Thinner, Leaner, Stronger"?

Hello all.

I bought this book last week and started the programme today. I was just wondering whether anyone else has used / is using this programme? What do / did you think?

I'm going for a 4 day split rather than a five day so that I can fit a bit of cardio in as recommended.



  • purpleleopard76
    purpleleopard76 Posts: 77 Member
    Just downloaded this book yesterday and about quarter way through reading it. So far all makes good sense. Not got to the actual workout / diet parts of the book yet so hoping others will post on here of their experience with this too :happy:
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I have the book, it's not bad but a bit intense for what I wanted. I just cannot make time to be at the gym 5 days a week for lifting plus cardio on top of that. I kept up with it for about 3 weeks before I went back to SL 5x5. I liked the variety of exercises but found I got a lot more out of Strong Curves which I am on at the moment. Also, don't bother with the pdfs etc it is all just a selling vehicle for his other books, which he seems to write about anything and everything. Mostly not relevant!
  • purpleleopard76
    purpleleopard76 Posts: 77 Member
    I have the book, it's not bad but a bit intense for what I wanted. I just cannot make time to be at the gym 5 days a week for lifting plus cardio on top of that. I kept up with it for about 3 weeks before I went back to SL 5x5. I liked the variety of exercises but found I got a lot more out of Strong Curves which I am on at the moment. Also, don't bother with the pdfs etc it is all just a selling vehicle for his other books, which he seems to write about anything and everything. Mostly not relevant!

    I'm lucky in that respect in that I have a gym in my house and pretty much all the equipment you would ever need. I already work out 5-6 days per week - I try to do 25 mins strength in the morning before work and then fit in some cardio / HIIT in the afternoon but I'm just not getting the results I want. Now I've got to grips with exercising regularly I wanted to fix my diet which I know is the problem ( I have 2 kids, not much spare time and a partner who constantly wants takeaway!!). I was ready to download Strong Curves too but thought I would wait until I'd read Thinner, Leaner, Stronger first as I thought they might be much the same.

    How is Stronger Curves different from TLS? Just curious so I know whether to buy or not :)
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Strong Curves is a more reasonable plan I think to fit in with life in my opinion. There are loads exercises in the book if you can't due to equipment or whatever there are alternatives to do. I like the way the workout plan goes, I like the way it is written and I like that there are lots of compound moves and a good progression from beginner to advanced for full body with a gym, a section with workouts for bodyweight etc and also a section for just glute work. For me, if I can't get to the gym but have 20 mins spare I can still do _something_

    I got thinner leaner stronger first as it was cheaper (both in book form) but a lot of the exercises I was looking up on line whereas SC has them all there in the book too