Met my goal!!

I'm not one to toot my own horn - but if my story helps someone - i'm happy. I retired in June of 2022, got my dog the day after, and walk many miles with him. I joined the Y in January to learn to play pickleball and found a weightloss class. Counting calories through MFP is easy - even the free version - between accountability in the weight loss class, pickleball, continuing walking (10-15k / day) I'm down 15 pounds. The class is over, but i'm continuing tracking. I've lost weight before but this time - the MFP tracking of how many days (103) urges me to continue. Maintenance mode now. If you're struggling, please know you're not alone, there's always someone to lean on. Did I mention I'm 68!! I want to continue to get older but never "old".


  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    I love this. Thanks for sharing your story and cheers to your success.