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Weekly rolling counters

Each day has goal calories and macros. An option to enable rolling counters would be useful. Any deficits or overages should be rolled into the next days counts. Each week, the counters would reset to the base goals. This is useful for tracking calorie deficits over longer terms as well as macro imbalances that need to be rectified.

For example: Starting Monday 2200 calories, 128g Carbs 150g Protein 80g Fat. Over by 20g carbs and under 15g protein means 108g carbs and 165g protein for Tuesday. Tuesday's counters would roll to Wed, and so on. By sunday, the total deficits and overages for the week would be very apparent.
2 votes

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  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,916 Member
    There's already a weekly view available in the food diary for calories, macros and nutrients:

  • trineebell
    trineebell Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to see a rolling day counter too! Had a lighter breakfast, would love to see it shift the rest of the day so I can stay within my goals but know how much I can up charge a lunch or dinner by.
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 895 MFP Staff
    Great idea @trineebell

    We would love to see this feature too!