Saving Calories

Hi everyone
Onto my third week of doing the calorie counting through the app and have found it really easy to use and so far it’s been very successful.
I weight myself on a Monday and week one I lost 7 pound and last Monday I lost another 6 pound.
My question is we have friends staying over Friday night until Sunday and will struggle to keep under my daily total but is it possible to save calories through the week and have a bad weekend and still lose weight ?


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,386 Member
    Sure, you can spread your calories over the week as you like. There's even a weekly view of the nutritional data in your food diary.
    Just be aware that a very indulgent weekend will probably give you a temporary uptick in calories the following Monday: more water weight from extra salt and carbs, and extra food waste in your digestive tract, which can take a few days to go down again. So don't freak out about that.

    7 and 6 lbs is very fast weight loss by the way. Some people lose a lot of water weight when starting their weight-loss, so it might not be an issue, but if this rate continues I would encourage you to increase your food intake. Losing max 1% of your body weight is recommended, to avoid losing muscle mass and other health risks.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    How many calories are you eating? 13 Lbs in 2 weeks is insanely fast, but it's also not atypical to lose quite a bit of water weight in the beginning...but keep an eye on that.

    As to rolling over calories or whatever you want to call it, balance happens on a continuum. There's no midnight reset button on our body. Time is a human construct.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,912 Member
    Hi everyone
    Onto my third week of doing the calorie counting through the app and have found it really easy to use and so far it’s been very successful.
    I weight myself on a Monday and week one I lost 7 pound and last Monday I lost another 6 pound.
    My question is we have friends staying over Friday night until Sunday and will struggle to keep under my daily total but is it possible to save calories through the week and have a bad weekend and still lose weight ?

    Good advice from those above.

    One cranky-granny comment from me: It's not a "bad weekend' if you have an overall healthy approach. A day or two at higher calories (when you average out to a sensible level over a week or so) is not "bad". Eating some indulgent (less nutrient-dense) foods is not "bad" when it's an occasional thing in a context of overall good nutrition the overwhelming majority of the time. (This has been my philosophy, and I've been at a healthy weight for 7+ years now living accordingly, with good health markers and general good health.)

    No need to beat yourself up or feel guilty or "bad". It burns no extra calories, feels icky, so why do it? Food isn't sin, it's just food. We need some.

    Plan how to fit in indulgences, expect a little meaningless scale jump afterward, then get right back on your normal healthy routine afterward, immediately.

    It'll be fine.