New to this

I just join this app today! I really hope this app will help me loose weight. I’ve been working out consistently now for about two weeks straight. My struggles have always been on not knowing what I can eat an what I can’t eat. I’m hoping this app will help me find good recipes to make for dinner. I’m really not a breakfast eater but maybe I need to push myself to eat breakfast, lunch an dinner. I also hope I can find new friends on here. I’ve hated going to the gym by myself so maybe I can find someone on here that lives close by that would like going to the gym with me an we can be each other’s motivation, that would be a huge blessing.


  • MopMop10591
    MopMop10591 Posts: 6 Member
    This app has really helped me find balance in my diet. It’s much easier when logging everything. I see I was eating way too much sugar before! Best of luck on your journey!
  • p1rick
    p1rick Posts: 19 Member
    It's always a work in progress... the great thing is logging your meals. As a baseline this is huge because now you can see how much protein/carb/fat you are consuming and will help you in the long term... good luck! 👍👌😊
  • smblackpool
    smblackpool Posts: 5 Member
    Been on this app not quite 3 weeks and find it the best thing I have downloaded there is that much help in it plus scanning barcodes and the manual search are great also love the fact I have paired it with my I phone for steps as this seems to motivate me to move more.
    Good luck