Is it okay to lift 5 days in a row?

I do a 4 day upper/lower split and sometimes take a rest day in the middle, or do all 4 in a row.

Since I'm doing my last lift of the week tomorrow and need to get next week's in lifts in before I leave for vaca, I will be lifting 5 days in a row.

Is that fine? I'd be resting for days after.


  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,291 Member
    It comes down to if you can recover or not between workouts. 5 days in a row is doable however the volume, intensity, diet and sleep will be factors along with age.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,934 Member
    Sure, if your recovery is OK.

    Rather than squeezing in one more workout before you deload, how is your progression coming? The last week of your mesocycle should have you pushing harder for.more weight or reps, to help progess. I'd be inclined to have the usual 4 workouts but ramp up the intensity, especially in the final two. Then, deload.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,672 Member
    Who says you "have to" get next week's lifts in? Doctor's orders? Preparing for a competition? If only lifting for yourself, I recommend just taking next week off from lifting entirely. Treat it as a de-load week. Personally, I schedule four weeks a year away from the gym completely, to coincide with my kids' school vacations (spring break, summer camp, first week of school, Christmas-to-New-Year's). Always come back the week after refreshed and energized.