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The ability to favorite a food

Make it so you can favourite a food, where when adding a food to a meal, you can choose from your favourites list.

This is a pretty stable feature that is missing in the app.
3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thank you for this suggestion! I will bring it back to the appropriate team to review.

    In the meantime, please note that you can view your Recent/Frequent lists when creating a Meal. Some of the commonly used food items should show there as you create your Meal.
  • christabellini
    christabellini Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, this is definitely needed. I want a list of foods that I selected to choose from. I want to select from a food list I have created, reviewed nutrients etc. This is lacking from this site.