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Glucose feature for non diabetics

I would like there to be a feature that scores each food for its glycemic index and maybe even gives an estimated stability score based on the days food consumption. Without having to give actual blood glucose readings. Keeping the sugars stable is key to weight loss and maintenance.
3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 923 MFP Staff
    Thank you for the great suggestion. We will definitely consider adding a way to track the GI and Glycemic Load of foods for a future update. For now, you may want to try keeping track of this information in the "notes" section. To record a note using one of our apps, on the page that appears after you click the Add to Diary button (with the meal names listed), scroll down and you'll see a row labeled "Food Notes". Tap on it, and you can record whatever notes you'd like. Those notes will then appear in your diary.

    Android users who sync their Glucose information from their Dexcom G6 app to Google Health Connect can now view that information in the MyFitnessPal Android application. For more information on this feature please see: