I’m new

I’m new to the forum. I’ve been using My Fitness Pal for about 8 months. Right now, I’m only using it to track food in. I need to start exercising to keep loosing weight. I’ve lost almost 42 pounds using My Fitness Pal and seeing a dietician every other week.


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    I’m new to the forum. I’ve been using My Fitness Pal for about 8 months. Right now, I’m only using it to track food in. I need to start exercising to keep loosing weight. I’ve lost almost 42 pounds using My Fitness Pal and seeing a dietician every other week.

    Welcome to the boards!!!! You’ve done really well so far.

    I went from couch potato to barely couch. Movement is the joy of my life now. I wish the same for you!

    Simply walking and basic yoga kickstarted me into more things.

    My advice would be, start small, and experiment til you find something you love doing. And give things a chance. The first time I did a few things I love how, I hated them, but that was because it was intimidating and unfamiliar.

    Next up is paddle boarding. Got one in the garage, but intimidating and unfamiliar creates procrastination. Just have to break that “first time or two” barrier.

    Hope we’ll see you around the boards. These boards and the wonderful users who populate them have been instrumental to my loss and, especially, maintenance.