New to myfitnesspal

Hi everyone,
I'm new to my fitness pal. How do you stay motivated especially at mealtime? Getting to where I am not getting in a me calories due to figuring out what to cook. Single older female. Ahhhh!!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    I don't rely on motivation much - not my strong suit. Plans and revised habits work better for me.

    I'm single, older and female, too. In some ways, I think that makes it easier: I can cook/eat whatever works for me, don't need to please anyone else, and don't need to watch someone else eating bigger portions than I'm able to consume and reach/stay at a healthy weight.

    I've thought through and practiced what I think of as "meal patterns" that are easy for me to fix/eat if I'm not feeling creative or energetic. I'm not saying these specific things would work for you, just giving examples to maybe get you thinking: Scrambled eggs with veggies and low fat cheese, cottage cheese and fruit, bag salad with a protein (I'm vegetarian so maybe dry roasted soybeans and a yogurt dressing, but meat eaters could use chicken or tuna), frozen veggies with a protein, tostada or taco with beans and cheese, red lentil pasta with marinara and lower fat cheese, etc.

    Sometimes I feel energetic, cook more complicated things (usually heavy on the veggies because I love them), but if I'm not that into it, I can fall back on some of those practiced habits. If I'm super unmotivated, sometimes I just graze my way through enough calories/nutrition to get where I need to be: Some yogurt with frozen berries, some snack food with a little protein like crispy broad beans, one of those lite Babybel cheese rounds, some radishes or carrots, for example.

    My advice would be to take motivation out of the picture, plan some easy ways to get your calories in, and just rely on some habitual meal patterns.

    Best wishes!