Need a buddy!

45+ yo women who needs accountability buddy to help me stay focused. Going through menopause and lack my usual motivation.


  • BeautyNBriefcase
    BeautyNBriefcase Posts: 38 Member
    Morning, let's help one another... What's your biggest challenge... Let's connect. I need a friend as well
  • loucooke22
    loucooke22 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey I'm with you, just about to embark on my weight loss journey, recently gained 2 stone (my own fault) but I'm feeling it now and desperately need to lose it. Also perimenopausal so the struggle is real 😫 let's do this together!
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 431 Member
    Perimenopausal and need to lose weight!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Runlikeacorgi
    Runlikeacorgi Posts: 28 Member
    Perimenopause as well. Having the hardest time losing. Feel free to add me. I’d love an accountability buddy