
imronnee Posts: 1 Member
I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in last July. I quickly joined My Fitness Pal, and as of this morning, my weight has decreased by 49 pounds. I still have a ways to go, but this app has been an enormous help. For all you diabetes sufferers out there, I would love some good, healthy recipes if you would care to share them.


  • Richard114435
    Richard114435 Posts: 5 Member
    Mentain my weight
  • RedrockYogiMomma
    RedrockYogiMomma Posts: 5 Member
    Imronnee~~ You have lost 49 pounds??? You are AMAZING!! Thx for posting that. Exactly what I needed to hear!! (Discouraged diabetic. Gaine 30 pounds since Covid.) Came on here looking for help. Thank you!! Gives me hope!! Do you know of good groups to join on here? I need support... accountability... ❤️
  • shonanyrn
    shonanyrn Posts: 2 Member