Starting again

laurucca Posts: 1 Member
Hey Everybody!
My name is Lauren. Starting MyFitnessPal again. I have done well with it in the past. But I struggle with it consuming my life. Like I am not one of these people who can meal prep… chicken, brown rice, and broccoli 7x a week. Any tips?


  • StarryNight37
    StarryNight37 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Lauren,

    Welcome back :)
    Can anyone really eat eat that 7 times a week? Oh sure, lotsa thin 20 somethings on Insta say they do they?

    If your in the calorie in/calorie out club, its as simple as finding your calorie goals and logging everything you eat. I've lost 75 pounds in less than a year, I do not do ANY cardio and I have not eaten chicken, brown rice and broccoli once! In fact, yesterday I had a burger and small side of chunky chips, all pre-planned to fit into my goals.

    Simply cook what you like, but weigh and log. You obviously need to be mindful of the high carb or sugar items, you don't get much bang for your buck eating those! Lean meats and lots of veg.

    I don't meal prep per say, but on Sunday I cook a roast or two, and prep veg to either cook with the roast or cook later in the week. When I make any meal, I cook twice the amount. The leftovers are lunch or supper 2 days later.

    Lots of recipes on the site to give some inspiration as well :)

    You've got this ;)
  • jennamartin946
    jennamartin946 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm the same. But trying this again. Add me and hopefully we can keep each other motivated