Your motivation...

I have been off when it has come to motivation lately (lately meaning the past few months). I can't seem to dig myself out of the rut I have been in.

I am VERY proud to say though through out the summer I have held off the 10lbs I lost in the spring!! That is a great accomplishment in itself (yes it may not be a crazy amount of weight but it has been held off!!)

I am looking to find out what you all use/have/do etc for your motivation. What is it that drives you?


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Happiness. I deserve to be happy and healthy. I deserve to live a longer life. I deserve to do these things for me - and my children deserve to have a mom around as long as I can be around.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Fear of becoming my former self.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Well I...running is what is my motivation. I wanna be faster, and one key to getting faster is for me to lose weight.

    And I like looking good, and the fact that I can get fired from my job should I weigh over a certain weight.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Wanting to be strong and accomplish my goals (i.e. running the two marathons I have planned in December and April) helps keep me motivated and focused. Also being uncomfortable in my own skin - I never want to be that way again.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    To be strong and healthy. It may be vain, but I also want to look hot and wear cute clothes. Depending on what kind of rut I'm in (usually it's either I don't want to workout rut or I'm depressed and don't want to do anything rut), I have different ways to dig myself out. If it's an I don't want to workout rut, something as simple as looking at some fitspo pictures or watching a video on youtube of someone who lost a lot of weight can motivate me into working out. If it's deeper than that, I like to meditate. It helps me clear my head and refocus. Sometimes I'll punch a pillow or cry before I meditate if I'm super upset. Not too often, but every now and then. Sounds silly to punch something then meditate, but it works for me!
  • Mady1911
    Mady1911 Posts: 90 Member
    Well, most people around here have a click, something happens and it's on...the fight with the bulge. For me...well, it took loads of clicks to get me going. Very tight clothes, jeans burst my a**, donut around waist bulging out more and more, husband saying: look at the 'dust' on the bike, me wanting my child not to be ashamed of my 'appetite' when she'll be old enough to understand what 'chubby' actually means...not being able to wear a skirt or a summer dress, etcetera...many more. I just put a stop and been sweating my fat bottom the past new motivation is now my progress, I wanna see more of me under that layer of fat. Plus, I've made a good list of friends that pick me up when I'm on the floor, my regards to them!
    That kinda stuff!