Eating makes me sick....



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Hey there! I recently had the same problem. Do certain foods make it hurt more than others? If it is an ulcer than acidic foods are likely to hurt more. I've heard tomatoes hurt quite a bit when you have an ulcer. I originally thought that was what was going on with me. I discovered though that in my case, it was the gluten. Celiac disease or gluten intolerance can appear at any point of your life and gluten is in so many foods that you wouldn't even expect it to be in. I recommend getting some brown rice. That shouldn't hurt your stomach. If you feel fine after eating it then gradually add more foods in and see how they affect you. You can likely determine what's happening on your own by seeing if some foods are make your stomach hurt and some don't. If all foods are painful (even brown rice) then see a doctor. Well, you should see a doctor anyway, it just might be easier if you have some idea first.
    Does any one else in your family have gluten intolerance? Also what exactly is gluten intolerance? Does that mean you are allergic to it?

    You've only been feeling sick for a week, so this probably isn't it, but who knows. I spent about 11 years being near constantly nauseated and having terrible digestive problems before a doctor put me on an elimination diet to find out what food or foods could be causing problems. It turned out to be milk protein and gluten intolerances for me. I think it's not so much an allergy as my immune system not being able to process those particular substances. It causes all sorts of inflammation, etc. It took a few weeks for my digestive tract to heal before I felt good again. It's a pain in the rear to eliminate two of the most common food ingredients from your diet, but it was worth it for me to not spend hours each day in misery in the bathroom. If you do have a food intolerance, it's not necessarily going to be dairy or gluten, although those are some of the most common. It could be something else. Is there anything new in your diet?
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    What vitamins are you taking?
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hey so I am new to this topic board.... I think I might have a problem because for the past week or so I have been getting sick after every thing I eat. My diet consists of chicken, salads, chewy bars and other healthy foods. I am taking vitamins and I don't know what's up. Does anyone have any advice or a clue as to why I'm getting sick?

    See a doctor to give you an exam and answer this question. Pronto!

    And hope you feel better soon!
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    twenty-five year old female, getting sick when eating food, see a doctor. Maybe anything from a baby to food poison
    Well I know it's not a baby... I guess it could be food poisoning and I'll set up an appointment to see my doctor. Unfortunately he has been on his honeymoon for the past two weeks.

    For more urgent issues, there is usually someone else there as a back-up. Or urgent care.

    I wouldn't wait or mess around with it. Feeling sick after one or two meals is one thing. Feeling sick after every meal for a week is another story.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    twenty-five year old female, getting sick when eating food, see a doctor. Maybe anything from a baby to food poison
    Well I know it's not a baby... I guess it could be food poisoning and I'll set up an appointment to see my doctor. Unfortunately he has been on his honeymoon for the past two weeks.

    For more urgent issues, there is usually someone else there as a back-up. Or urgent care.

    I wouldn't wait or mess around with it. Feeling sick after one or two meals is one thing. Feeling sick after every meal for a week is another story.
    if she answered my diarrhea question it could prove some usefulness
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Go to the doctor. This is a fitness site. You need medical help.